“Hassym, old friend,” called Dadoo from behind his counter. His back was toward me, his head bowed over a work bench. A small lamp provided the only illumination. He used several tools I did not recognize.

“How the fuck…?” I asked with a harshness to my voice.

Dadoo turned around and hit a button. The door and all the windows closed, followed by the lowering of metal security curtains.

“DNA detection. I have a good nose. You still smell like a wet dog, no matter how much you try to disguise yourself as a superior creature.”

“Step closer and tell me that to my face.”

Dadoo was as tall as I, but my life as a bounty hunter kept my body lean and wiry while his life behind the desk produced a round belly where his abs used to be. Dadoo was a strong fighter and always on the bulky side, but his bulk had turned into weight and now he looked as if he could strangle a desert python with his bare hands.

Dadoo jumped over the counter with a move way too fast for someone of his size and landed in front of me. His arms surrounded me and we both started laughing, patting each other’s backs.

“You look good, old guy,” he said, laughing. “I always knew you are a Bastet at heart.”

“I look like an old pussy, just like you.”

A deep, rumbling laugh filled his chest. “Let’s have a drink and you can fill me in if you like. But first, are you on the run, my friend?”

“Not on the run. Let’s say I took a job that demands me to be anonymous, if possible.”

Dadoo rubbed his chin. He guided me toward the back room. “Good, good. Let’s have a drink then.”

Dadoo was special. He had a knack not only for finding old technology, but also for repairing and using it. He created the wildest machines that worked on their own without the help of magic. The only thing I had a tough time comprehending was how was it possible for him to live there surrounded by the stench of dust, old oil, and rust.

Dadoo listened to my story about Pandora. I may have glossed over a few things to make sure he would not get the wrong impression and assume I’m weak. Sipping from his spice beer, Dadoo asked, “Is she as beautiful as they say?”

I nodded. “I mean, she looks weird. She has no fangs, no tail, nothing. But she’s brave.”

“Can she fight?”

I nodded. I felt as if the rack behind me with heavy machinery fell on me and squashed me like a bug. “No, she can’t. She’s too small, too frail. She can barely lift our weapons.”

Dadoo’s face changed. He always had this pensive look when something bothered him.

“And how do you think I can help?”

“Remember years ago, you told me about a corset you found, a battle armor that gave the owner powers and strength? I need it.”

Dadoo leaned back on his pillow, his huge gut spilling over his belt. “I remember, my friend. I never fixed it. I’m so sorry.”

Hope surged inside me with the speed of a sand python who out to hunt. “Do you still have it?”

“I might. But I doubt it works.” Dadoo nodded slowly. He stood and walked away. I could hear scratching sound, the noise of metal striking metal as well as a few curse words. He emerged with something that made me feel like a fool. The battle armor looked as if it had seen one too many battles to ever work again.

“This is it?”

“Yes. I told you I was never able to repair it. I wish I could help.”

“Wait, if I can bring Pandora here, would you allow her to work on it? Maybe she knows something you missed.”

Dadoo’s eyebrows pulled together, giving his pudgy face a funny look. “I’d be honored to meet her. If you can bring her, my store is hers. Does she know anything about electronics and technology?”

“If I believe her, it’s the only thing she’s good at.”

The look on Dadoo’s face was priceless. One spice beer turned into another and another and the afternoon turned into night. The two moons had taken the place of the three suns by the time I left Dadoo’s shop. I was tired, a little tipsy, and hopeful.

All I needed was a way to get Pandora out of the palace without getting caught and hope and pray to the big Jackal God that she knows how to fix the armor and that it will be enough to protect her during the fight.