Ramy walked away and let me watch Ashok, Eray, and Pan-doh-rah play in the water. Even Hassym participated and laughed with them.

Why did I feel as if they wronged me?

When I returned to the oasis from the meeting with the Caliph and saw Pan-doh-rah, she ran to me, throwing her arms around me and kept saying my name, though I couldn’t understand a word of what she said. Things would be different if I could understand her, and if she could hear what I have to say. A lump closed my airwaves. I always wanted to run away when I had to talk to Pandora.

I should decide what I want. Do I want to try to claim her or what?

The night she spent in my arms inside the small cave was still in my heart. I could feel Pandora’s warmth on my skin, inside my body. I bit the inside of my cheek. I wanted to run to her, throw myself in the lake and play with her and my brothers. She brought joy to all of us. Would it be the right thing to claim her now?

Did I have a right to claim her?

No, no. I ran toward the tent. A large pile of books waited for me, stories that will help me fall asleep. Who was I fooling? I wanted Pandora in my arms. Swallowing hard, I turned by back on the one I wanted. Ashok was better for her than me.



Pandora’s long hair was wet. Water dripped like pearls of dew from her long, silky black strands. We played for hours in the little pond, splashing and laughing, forgetting that I couldn’t understand a word she said and that I was silent. We laid under the heat of the three suns on a flat stone that Pandora liked most. She talked and talked. I love the sound of her voice. It has a way about it that touched me and made me shiver.

The heat melted me, but not the way Pandora’s presence did.

She leaned herself on her elbow and the other hand touched my upper arm. As she talked, her fingers traced my swirling tattoos. I wanted to tell her that they are gifts from the Goddess, and that they are the maps that show how my life will go forward. The way her fingers moved made me shiver and want to feel her hands touching me all the way up and down.

Our eyes connected.

Moving slowly, I touched her hand with mine. The fact that she wasn’t afraid of me was nice. I expected that such a small female would feel fear when she is close to four Anubis males, and still Eray and Ramy eat from the palm of her hand. We all have tried to make Pandora feel as comfortable as possible since she has been here. Only Hassym tries to resist her.

Her fingers explored my skin, and she was not shy. Was she aware of the effect her touch had on me?

I have lived like a monk over the last years, not able to enjoy rutting with anyone, not even for fun. My nose nuzzled her neck. She didn’t pull back. Quite the contrary, I felt the heat that melted me pushing us together.

Anubis only kiss their fated mate. Kissing is a connection of the souls. Kissing a stranger would be wrong. Kissing someone you don’t feel inside your soul was wrong, too. I wanted to tell her this when her lips came so close to mine I could feel her. I almost tasted her lips. We were only a few inches apart. Sparks flew between us. For me, she was the one I felt inside my soul. I wanted to hear her words and get to know her, but I was happy as it was.

Cold water landed on my back. I jumped up, running after Eray who had thrown a bucket of icy water over me. Pandora laughed, her voice turning into a high-pitched squeak.


Ashok put his arm around me and lifted me onto his Ren, holding me close to him. I inhaled his scent and remembered last night. I loved the long, white garment with the wide pants and silver beads I was wearing. Last night was so amazing. It became my habit to share Ashok’s tent, even after Edoo returned. Our relationship was still not clear as there was no way for us to really communicate. With Ashok, things felt different. From day one I felt warm and comfortable around him.

Last night, as he laid there on the soft pillows in the tent, the light of the fire and the moon shining through the tent, I put my head in his chest. During the last few days, I have grown used to the way they looked, different from human males with their pointy ears, long fangs, and longer maw. I had enough time to watch them, to notice the differences.

Hassym the asshole is the most handsome. He has wide shoulders. Eray was curious about me. I caught him a few times looking at and studying me. I didn’t take it badly. He was curious. Ashok had a wonderful body, all covered in muscles. But then, all his brothers had great bodies. Damn, I was used to seeing everyone on the station in overalls, but these guys walk around practically naked, wearing only a loin cloth, jewelry, and a smile.

Ashok was special, though. He was sweet and kind. I felt connected to him in a way I couldn’t explain. Sometimes I even had the feeling he understood my words. He always made sure I had enough water to drink and that I didn’t stay too long in the sun—all the little things that make you feel special and loved. He did his best to explain his world to me without words. We both realized we could understand each other through drawings. We would sit on the ground, on a blanket, or on the soft sand for hours and hours, using a sharp stick to paint images, sending messages from one to the other.

And just last night….

Ashok’s fingers touched mine and his rough palms felt warm and pleasant. He touched my cheek, slowly, the way you would touch something rare and precious. I put my hand on top of his and I allowed the moment to take over. We drunk a blue, shiny drink that made me dizzy. My core felt hot and steamy. Ashok was so sweet and kind. His long lashes touched his cheek. I felt he would keep me safe. Afterall, he faced down Hassym each time the asshole tried to come too close. Not even Edoo did that. Ramy was indifferent to me most of the time, always busy with his bow and arrows.

I wished I could talk to the guys. I mean really talk, make myself understood, but during this moment I knew I understood Ashok. He got to me in a way I had never felt before. For days now, we would swim together and eat together. He would always cover me when I was in the sun and, so many times when we were about to kiss, the connection was there. I wish I could understand their words, even though Ashok was mute. He never spoke. Still, his brothers respected him. I watched him once exercising with weapons and was fascinated by his speed and the blur of motion he turned into. Because he was albino, and his skin was white like powder, it was easy for me to pick him out between his brothers. All of them fought and they all turned into mortal blurs.

Now, the way he looked at me and leaned his head to the side, the way his shiny hair looked like perfect snow, and how the tattoos on his skin looked alive after we swam. Became too much for me.

Ashok took my hand and touched his chest, holding it there. I felt two hearts beating, one strong and loud, like a gong announcing its own presence boldly and loudly, and the other softer, like the echo of the powerful sound of the first. I listened. It sounded like sweet music to me, soft music that warmed my heart and made me want to know each story trapped inside his head.

Ashok took my palm and touched his forehead, then he touched my fingers to his lips and kissed them softly. I moved closer and put both of my hands on his face because, as strange as he used to look to me a while ago, now all I saw was perfect beauty. My face inched closer to his. Our lips touched, softly and shy at first. It was like a union of souls. I hope all the Gods forgive me, but I forgot about Van.

Ashok’s breath smelled like coffee and cinnamon and the blue stuff we drank. His blue in blue eyes made me dizzy. Was he albino? I don’t care what he was. He’s gorgeous.