As I walked down the streets, I ignored the celebration around me. This was a day of joy for the people. Everyone cheered for the potential victor who would bring back to our civilization the technology necessary to fly. All the citizens were excited. Except me.
My feet carried me to our townhouse. Just before I was about to knock on the door, I felt something. The sweet coppery scent of blood filled the air. The fur on the back of my neck stood up. Something was wrong. Something had happened. It made me anxious to find out what lay behind that door.
The door was unlocked. I pushed it open. All the furniture inside was broken and stained with blood. Pulling out my sword, I walked around, looking for my brothers. I was not worried about them because they could hold their own and fight like a beast.
A soft moaning attracted my attention and I ran toward it.
My brother was on the floor. A large wound on his head bled heavily. I looked around the room, but no one else was there. It was an old habit to always mind my surroundings. I was in the clear. Eray was alone. Our other brothers would never have abandoned him.
“Eray, what happened?”
Eray moaned again. His eyes were out of focus and he seemed lost. I grabbed his shoulders and lifted him, leaning him against the wall.
“I can fix this.”
I ran to the bathroom where my brothers kept a plasma spider for such injuries. The entire house looked as if a bad fight had taken place. I found the tile where we hid the spider. That thing is expensive and we try to make sure it’s safe. As I pushed the tile away, the spider crawled onto my palm. I closed my fist and ran to Eray. He pressed his palm against the wound. Blood still streamed down his face.
“Ashok. They wanted Ashok.”
“Who’s they? Where are Ramy and Edoo?”
“They fought. We all did. I don’t know why they left me. We lost. I... I’m so sorry. Wait, who are you?” Eray’s eyes were out of focus.
“I’m Hassym, your brother.”
“You stink like a damn Bastet.”
“I tried to help Pandora and took a potion that changed me. What can we do? Where did they took them?”
“The Games. The creatures inside the Pyramid are hungry. They need more blood each year. They’re going to use our brothers to feed the beasts. Then they’ll kill us.”
I released the spider and began to heal the wound. I was always fascinated by the small plasma spiders that had this ability to mend wounds and patch everything together.
“We have to get away from here. We need to enter the Pyramid.”
Eray stared at me. “Are you nuts? The Pyramid is sacred.”
“Do you care for our family, our brothers, and our female?”
Eray snapped his head back, a glitter in his eyes. It was clear he cared about Pandora, but Eray was always shy and held back a lot.
“Yes, yes. How will we get inside?”
“We’ll find a way. Are you up to it? If you’re too weak to fight, I understand.”
“If you go, I’ll go.”
Eray put his hands on my shoulders. He is my family, my pack, my brother. I can always rely on him, no matter what.
Finding a way into the Pyramid shouldn’t be that difficult. It so happened I had an idea. Running upstairs to my room, I found what I needed.
I like to tie up females. I like it rough and my mind conjured wonderful images of Pandora tied up here on my bed while I used my mouth and cocks to satisfy her in every way I want and could imagine. My cocks throbbed thinking about the way the rope would look on her pale white skin.
With the rope in my hands, I joined Eray. “I have to tie you up.”