“I can’t fight. I don’t have a favorite weapon.”

“I’ll see that you get a trainer, okay. It’s forbidden, but I’ll see what I can do for you. Pandora, do you trust the Anubis who were with you?”

“I trust them with my life. They saved me repeatedly.”

“Rest. I’ll see how I can help you.”

I found myself in deep shit. I wasn’t sure what these games entailed.

I was exhausted. Maybe my best friend Van was dead. Maybe I’ll die soon. But, on the other hand, I’ve experienced new things I never dreamed about. This planet. I should ask the name of this place. The city was Aralis. I hoped May would show me around because it looked beautiful. I tasted new food. And Gods, I had mind blowing fucks with Ashok and May. I would never have dreamed about that during the time I was a grease monkey, squeezing myself into tiny places and fixing shit.

I get it now. I’ll take whatever the rest of my life has to offer.

As I closed my eyes, the past and present melted. I was certain I wouldn’t be able to sleep but I was wrong. Sleep quickly wrapped me into its arms.



I lost count of the beers I drank. We got rid of Pandora! She’s gone. She won’t move half-naked around the oasis anymore and we can get back to what we do—hunting Rash, being out there in the desert, and enjoying Anubis females who are strong and don’t have soft breasts and a bubble ass.

The memory of her ass. Damn, I’ll never forget that.

As I ordered another beer, the young waitress moved closer to me. Waitresses always like me and this one was no exception.

“There’s someone who wants to talk to you at the bar. She asked me to tell you.”

I turned my head to her and smiled. I knew that cute Bastet female from somewhere.

“I’ll be back, guys.” I heard myself slur a bit. Did the palm beer affect me that much?

I got up and walked to her. She smiled sweetly. A shawl draped over her face. All I saw were her pink lashes.

“Hassym, do you remember me?”

Damn. I scratched my head. I banged a few Bastet females when I was in Alaris last time. Who knows?

“Sure, I remember. I never forget a beautiful female.”

“Hassym, I’m May. From the palace. We don’t know each other that way.” The way she said that grated on my nerves.

“What do you want?”

“Pandora is in trouble and you can help her.”

“Why me? My brothers would be more than willing to help her.”

“You’re the one who can help her. I kept some tissue from you when I implanted your translation chip.”

I grabbed her wrist. “Why did you do that?”

“It was by accident. You had a lot of scar tissue. Listen. I have a potion for you that’ll change your looks to Bastet. If you take it, you can stay inside the palace and train with Pandora. She needs to learn weapons, and she trusts you.”

“Then she’s stupid. What makes you think I want to help?”

May looked at me, her huge eyes fixated on my face. “Please. I can’t think of anyone else. I know you fought in the Arena, Hassym. You’re a strong fighter. No one could defeat you. You kept her safe. Why not help her? You’re not at risk as long as the potion works.”

“Gimme that damn thing!”