“What?” he asked without looking at me.“You’re staring.”

“Are you really okay?”

He sighed and ran his hand through hisunkempt hair. It made me realize I had no hair. Charity had come tovisit me with her clippers. Silently, she worked her magic and justlike that I had a buzz cut. The scar over my ear more prominent.She asked me about it. I told her the truth. It was a bullet thatsaved my life. She glared at me, said she never wanted to see meagain, and took off. I thought she liked me.

“We scapegoated you. No. I’m not okay.”

“I told you to.”

“You didn’t know what they were going to doto you.” His face turned red. “I should’ve known they’d dothis.”

I took his hand to try to comfort him when Inoticed a bandage wrapped around his wrist. “What happened?”

He pulled his hand back. “Nothing.” By thetight set of his jaw, I knew he wasn’t going to tell me anything.Dasher had secrets. Deep down. Just like me. “I should go.”

“No,” I grabbed his hand. “If you don’t wantto tell me what’s going on, that’s fine. But I still want to beyour friend.” He was the only friend I had.

“But Fox is … he’s not someone you want tomess with.”

“I’ll protect you.”

“But who’s going to protectyou?”

I let him go and thought he was going toleave, but he didn’t. We just stayed quiet for a moment and then hegot into mentor mode and gave me a quick rundown of the homeworkbefore he left.

I kept thinking about what he said. Whowould protect me?

I had to start protecting myself.

Fuck The Ark Boys.

The following day, I was released withinstructions to rest for six weeks. No exertion. My ribs wouldthank me for it.

I hated Kieran even more for it.

I was already in pain when I got to thehouse. I decided right then and there that I was going to tell Dr.Casera to move me. I didn’t need this shit. I tried to remember ifmaybe I deserved this. Had I ever bullied anyone in school? I hitNick that one time, but I never bullied him. I hung out with peoplewho liked to show their dominance over others. Shit, my brotherswere that way. No one messed with the Moyas. Dad had taught usthat. Better to get your ass kicked than lose respect.

But they were dead. That didn’t work out toogood for them, did it?

And I wasn’t even a Moya anymore. I was aBrennan. To hell if I would use Maddox’s name to get some respect.Despite him adopting me, his name was not mine.

I knew something was wrong the moment Istepped into the house. Wren was standing at the bottom of thestairs, leaning against the banister with a smirk on his face.“Welcome back,” he said in a tone that sent chills running along myskin.

I didn’t respond. My throat suddenly tight.I climbed the stairs to River waiting at the top. He didn’t lookhappy to be there. He gave me a soft smile. Out of all of them, heseemed the most empathetic. Another word I’d learned. Henry wasabsent from this line of not welcome, but Fox stood just outside myroom. His cold blue eyes on mine, no smirk, no smile, the guycouldn’t fake that shit. He hated me to his core. I suddenly feltso damn small.

Then I made it to my room where Kieran stoodnear the window inside a space I didn’t even recognize.

Thick bloodred drapes hung on the floor toceiling windows gathered with fancy ties. The twin size bed hadbeen replaced by something larger. It took up most of the room. Ittoo had a fancy blanket and lots of pillows. The old desk had beenreplaced by a dark wooden one that looked solid. A small lamp ontop of it.

Kieran watched me like a hunter watching itsprey as he stood in front of the window, the sun at his backthrowing shadows all over the place. Making him look menacing. Iclamped down my fear. Anger was always better.

Kieran talked but I couldn’t listen. Hemoved to the closet, opened the door and showed me new clothes. Allof it the same. Dark slacks, button down shirts, fancy shoes. Evensome expensive Jordans with the red and black colorways that I’dbeen pining for but could never afford were there.

Hell, if that had been me a year ago, Iwoulda said hell, yes. I’m your boy. Sign me up to whatever youwant. But this wasn’t a year ago. Things had changed. Ichanged.

“Where’s my stuff?”

“There was a break-in, I’m afraid,” he said.“Everything was stolen.”