He straightened when he caught sight of me.A hint of pain crossed his features, but he quickly schooled itbefore he grabbed a glass of water. Without paying me anyattention, he downed the water. I couldn’t help but take in hisprofile. The soft line of his jaw, the smooth suntanned skin, hisAdam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. I had the urge to cup histhroat, feel his pulse. He lowered the cup and wiped his mouth withthe back of his hand. Why my dick chose that moment to twitch madeno sense. I wasn’t attracted to him. No way. My erection in thefield had to do with the adrenaline rush, not him.

He rinsed the cup and put it away. “What?”he finally said. “You want to finish what we started?”

The image of him stretched out on top of mewas what came to mind. My dick against his thigh. And the fuckerhad grinded against me. I’d felt his erection too before he jumpedoff me as if his ass were on fire. Then he ran.

If I expected Fox to let go of Dasher, thenI had to stop reacting to this prick like I wanted to shove him outa window. I still didn’t know Tomás’s true bloodline. Murdering himwould cause attention and right now, that would be more dangerousthan letting him live.

“I think we got off to a rocky start,” Isaid.

He snorted. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

Cocky fucker almost made me smile. “You’re apart of the four whether we like it or not. Means that we might befamily.” Bile rose in the back of my throat. I already knew weweren’t blood related, but he had to belong to one of the four.

That made him snap his mouth shut. I couldsee the want of his comeback. He vibrated with it. It took severalseconds of silence for him to finally speak.

“I’m not your family,” he said in a tonethat seemed absolute. As if he knew without a doubt that he had noblood ties to any of us. “My family is dead.”

My brain buzzed with all the questions Iwanted to ask him. Why was he here? Who sent him here? What was hisbackground? Who are you?

He lifted his hand to wipe his face andwinced. Dropping his hand to his side he scowled at me. “You’refucking psycho. It was just a game.” He made a hasty retreat to hisroom, holding on to his ribs.

A game?

The asshole needed to learn the rules ofthis place.

I heard his door close but not the chair. Ibreathed in a moment, just letting myself calm down.

Not happening.

Reaching his door, I pushed it open withoutknocking. It almost slammed against the wall. Everything I’d meantto say drained away at the picture of Tomás bare chested in frontof me. His pants were unbuttoned and hanging low on his hips. Everybit of him exposed awakened something feral inside of me. A desireso deep, I feared releasing it. I suddenly forgot how to breathe,to talk, to make sense of shit.

“What the fuck?”

The angry sound of his voice snapped me outof my stupidity, and I remembered why I entered in the first place.“You think this is a game? Where the hell do you think you are? Whothe hell do you think goes to school here? Because they aren’tfriends, they aren’t life-long partners. They’re sons and daughtersof assassins, drug dealers, mafia, cartel, and the apple doesn’tfall far from the tree.” I should’ve shut up. But I couldn’t. Forsome reason, I needed him to understand. “Nothing in this place isa game. It’s a test to measure your strength, and out there,” Ipointed at the window, “beyond the campus, they’ll rip you apart.So if I were you, I’d really start thinking about alliances.Consider who has your back before someone drives a knife rightthrough it.”

His eyes widened, his mouth opened andclosed, and I felt that stirring inside of me that burned all mynerve endings. Then he had to make it worse. “Why do you hate me somuch?”

His voice had dropped an octave, had soundedso damn cautious, innocent. It was my turn to open and close mymouth because I had nothing I could give him, so I said nothing andwalked out.

The feeling to possess, to own him, rippedthrough me, shattering pieces of myself that I had hidden fromeveryone. Thinking about it made me feel unhinged.

I rushed into my room and tore out of myclothes. I jumped in the shower. My dick already painfully swollen.I gripped it tight and gave it a few pumps, wincing at theresulting sting.

Tomás’s big brown eyes comprised every spacein my thoughts. I’d been watching him too. The way he kept himselfapart from everyone else. Timid. He wore those large hoodies thatdid nothing to reveal his lean tanned body, dark nipples, narrowwaist, and the dip of his hips. And all of him was smooth. Iwondered if he even had pubes.

I wanted to bend him over, pull down thoseridiculously low hung jeans, and drive my dick between his cheeksuntil we both came. I wanted to hear my name tumble out of hismouth in ecstasy. To explore every inch of his body, especially thetattoo he had on his left side pec.


The thought made my balls draw up. Isqueezed harder until pleasure turned to pain. Unlike Fox, whoadmitted to us that he was bisexual after he figured it out, I wasgay. The rumors about my sexual prowess with the girls narrowed tomy ability to extend foreplay. I’d make sure they came more thanonce. And on the occasion where I had to fuck them, I used meds toget it up.

The thought made me sick.

My cock softened.

I unclenched my hand around it, wincing, andtried to hold myself up against the tiles, but my legs gave out andI dropped on my knees, dry heaving. Tears mixed with the water as Itried to suck in air.

Being gay meant nothing when you were anobody. Fox’s family weren’t lethal killers. They were dirty, rich,assholes who had Fox do their dirty work. Them finding out he wasbisexual would probably lead to a cover up. Not a bullet to thehead. If my grandfather found out about me, I’d loseeverything.