Abe looked confused and looked to Dr. Caserafor guidance. “Release him, Abigail.”

Then Fox glared at Tomás who glared rightback. “And you’re going to want to make sure you stay away from meand Dasher. Got it.”

“Fuck you,” Tomás said back.

I grabbed Fox’s arm before they startedfighting again. The asshole didn’t know when to shut up and forsome god-awful reason, I found him intriguing. I wanted to pullTomás apart and see what made him tick. “Let’s go,” I said toFox.

Fox wasn’t patient on a good day, now he waslivid. Dasher got to his feet on his crutches as the door openedspilling Fox and I out. Fox glared at Dasher. “Come on, I’ll takeyou back.”

I could’ve guessed what had precipitated thefight. Dasher and Tomás together. We were allowed guests, thoughthe five of us knew to vet them first. And everyone in the schoolknew Dasher was marked. Well, not everyone. The new kid had startedin the summer without getting the rules that would keep himalive.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Dashersaid back. “You have no right—” The next words died on hislips.

Fox cupped his throat.

I thought Mrs. Perkins was going to have anembolism right then and there. I touched Fox’s shoulder, glaring atDasher whose eyes were trained on Fox. Something passed betweenthem. “Fox,” I said in warning. “You can talk with him later.”

Fox ran his thumb back and forth againstDasher’s pulse as if … , I didn’t knowas ifwhat. The guywas a mess when it came to Dasher. “Come on, bro.”

With an exhalation, Fox released Dasher andtook a step back. Dasher hadn’t even moved as if knowing not topoke the bear. “We’re going to talk.” Fox pointed at Dasher, alwaysneeding to have the last word. Then Fox turned and practicallybowled over Mrs. Perkins on his way out. Once we were outside, ittook two seconds for him to round on me. “What are you smirkingabout?”

I hadn’t realized I had been smirking. Foxand I weren’t blood, neither were the others, but necessity made usclose. It made us stronger than blood. “You’re a mess and we justgot here.”

“That fucker was with Dasher on the sofa.Sleeping together.”

Okay. That wouldn’t have been a problem to asane person. Yeah, not touching that one. “Well, he has piqued myinterest.”

“Great that you find this amusing.Especially now.”

Now that we were so close to accomplishingwhat I had put into motion two years earlier. “I know the risk. Andwe vet first then figure out our next step. We don’t even know whohe is.”

“And that bothers me.”

“Yeah, me too. So before we throw him out afour story window, let’s figure this shit out.”

Fox grunted and I took that asagreement.

Chapter Seven


I soon realized that college was like highschool. It sucked ass.

Being in a small school meant the chances ofsharing classes with the enemy were high. And there were fiveenemies in my sphere of existence. I had English 101 with Fox whomade it a point to sit behind me so he could kick my chair with hisfreakishly long legs for the entire ninety minutes of class. Mrs.Bernstein ignored the constant tap and rattle as his steel toed DocMartens connected with my chair frame. I had Humanities with bothRiver and Henry. Henry didn’t say much, didn’t even pay attentionto me, but River kept throwing glares my way. And when I askedSofia, a girl who sat next to me, if she could lend me a pencil,she looked to River for an answer. I ended up recording the classwith my phone. I had Physics with Wren. The only one in the group Ithought would ignore me. That was until he’d put crazy glue on mychair. They were toddlers with a bone.

And then, their ringleader Kieran hated me.Like,hated. Every time he looked at me, it made me wonderif I’d taken my last breath. He had the same killer eyes as Maddox,and I had to consider that he might be the other Brennan living inArcas. Dasher had explained that only the A-listers—those withblood ties to the founding fathers—lived in Arcas. The Brennanswere one of them. Hair like midnight, eyes like jade, and apowerful presence that made everyone notice him, Kieran glared atthe guy sitting next to me in Human Anatomy. The guy sighed, gotup, and left the seat open for Kieran.

Kieran leaned into my ear. “This is going tobe fun,” he whispered just as Mr. Purcell had asked for avolunteer.

“Tomás volunteers, Mr. Purcell,” Kieransaid.

I glared at the asshole. “Tomás,” Mr.Purcell said expectantly.

Maybe it was pride that started me on thepath toward the cadaver, but the closer I got to the dead body themore I was pretty sure it’d been stupidity.

The smell wasn’t even the worst part. Mr.Purcell lifted the flesh over the stomach, and I fainted, hittingthe gurney on the way down and almost toppling the body on top ofme. Luckily, Mr. Purcell had record fast reflexes. Only theintestines fell on me. After I puked, the whole class burst outlaughing and I was sent to the nurse.

One good thing happened at Nurse Halloran’soffice. I met Jack, the local drug dealer. The guy wore clothesthat were at least a size too big. His dirty blond hair was longand loose around his face as if he used it as a shield. His browneyes were large on his face, and he looked stoned. I hadn’t smokedweed since Mad’s place. Some kid at his apartment complex, Luke orBrad or some white name like that, had sold me some weed withoutMaddox being the wiser. As a fuck you, I’d even used Mad’smoney.