The trio moved around us, Ashton leaningagainst a sewing table, while Charity picked at a plume on thedesk. Micah sat down on Dasher’s throne. Dasher hit him with hiscrutch. “Off.” Micah looked like he wanted to argue but got up andDasher sat down. His leg was giving him more problems than usual,but he hid the pain well. “We?” A tiny bit of interest sparked inhis voice.
Dasher had struggled with getting out ofFox’s watchful protection. I wasn’t sure what the deal was betweenthem, but even I got pissed at how Fox treated Dasher. As if Dasherwere made of glass. I, on the other hand, had ulterior motives fortreating Dasher that way. I’d never make him feel less-than. Not onpurpose. Not like Fox.
“We need you, Dasher,” I said, giving him mymost pathetic look.
Jack rolled his eyes. “Did you forget thatthey dominate in this game? In any game that involves guns andknives and killing people, actually.”
If this were my previous high school, we’dbe sitting in detention for thinking about killing people. Andpeople died in our school all the time.
“And they have skills we do not,” Dasheradded.
“Tomás has a plan,” Ashton said. I’d neverseen the guy smile. Didn’t even know if he had teeth. But he smiledat me. Made me blush and turn away.
I got to my feet, my brain buzzing with howwe could obliterate Kieran. “We can use their weaknesses againstthem.”
“If you get Fox and Kieran out of play, youmight have a shot. The other two are morons and the little one isalways near the flag,” Jack said.
Ashton and Micah nodded their agreement.
We all knew Fox’s weakness—Dasher—but wedidn’t say it out loud.
“Ugh, did you guys forget I’m a bitchallenged?” Dasher lifted his crutch.
“Don’t sell yourself short, dude. I knowloads of disabled people back home. They’re mostly crackheads withdisability checks, but you’re better than that.”
“I know for a fact we can at least get Wrenoff the game board,” Ashton said, wrapping an arm around Charity.“Wren is a man-whore who’s addicted to pus—pretty.” He’d meant tosay pussy, but an elbow from Charity had him change his word.
Charity gave a curtsy.
Dasher shook his head. “You don’t need mewith her under your sleeve.”
“You’re our secret weapon. Without you thiswon’t work. Come on, this is your chance to show everyone yoursneaky abilities.”Meaning you can show Fox you don’t need hisdamn overbearing protection or stalking. Whatever you want to callit, I projected, hoping he’d get my sentiment.
I arched a brow watching the beauty ofconvincing someone of my fucked-up plans. I hadn’t done that in awhile. I wasn’t sure this would even work, but for the first timesince I got there, a thrill shot down my spine.
“Fine,” Dasher said. “I hope you all knowwhat you’re doing.”
“I’m out,” Jack said. “Not risking the wrathof The Ark Boys.” Jack pointed a finger at me. “And you shouldn’teither. Kieran already has the shits for you.”
I shrugged. “I’m not scared of them,” Isaid.
“You should be.” Jack walked out.
“Pussy,” Ashton mumbled.
I didn’t like Ashton very much.
Micah pushed himself off the desk he’d beenleaning on. “I’m in.” He gave Ashton a manly handshake and fistbump before he walked out.
“I’m not getting shot,” Charity said.
Ashton drew her into a hug and kissed hercheek. “Baby, I’ll protect you.” Charity laughed and pushed himaway. “If this works, drinks on me,” Ashton said.
“If it doesn’t, we’ll be dead,” Dasher shotback.
“Have faith in your BFF there, little man,”Ashton said back, winked at me, and walked out with Charity.
Once they were gone, Dasher rounded on me.“I hate you. And who says you’re my BFF?”