As the bartender slid the pale-pink liquid towards me, I heard familiar voices calling my name. Turning, I saw Torven and Dakar sitting at a small, round table near the windows, with a perfect view of Saturn's rings gleaming in the distance.
Dakar lifted his chin, beckoning me. “Join us.”
For a moment, I considered declining. I wasn't in the mood for company. But the thought of sitting alone with my thoughts was even less appealing, so I made my way to their table, drink in hand.
"You look likegrek," Torven said bluntly as I sat down. "Rough time on Earth?”
I shook my head, taking a long swig of my gin. “It was fine, but I decided not to stay. My time on the planet is over.” I then realized that I didn’t know why they’d been returning to Earth. I’d been too preoccupied to ask. “How was your trip?
Dakar leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "We were surveying the damage from the Kronock attack, which is worse in some places than others.”
"But the humans are resilient," Torven added. "We've recommended extra Drexian forces to help patrol their skies, and some of our engineers will assist with rebuilding efforts."
I raised an eyebrow, grateful for the distraction. "How are the Earth governments handling the Drexian ships in their skies?”
"Better than you might expect," Dakar said. "They're banding together to form something called Earth Planetary Defense. It'll work in conjunction with our military."
As they continued to fill me in on the new arrangements, I found myself genuinely interested. It was a welcome reprieve from the turmoil in my mind, but it didn’t stop me from steadily working my way through several more glasses of Cressidian gin.
The alcohol was starting to dull my senses when I heard a voice that made my spine go rigid.
"Maxxon! I didn't expect to see you here."
I looked up to see Varek approaching our table, a broad smile on his face. My stomach churned, but I forced myself to return the smile.
It wasn't Varek's fault that he'd been matched with Allie. He had no idea of my feelings for her. He had no idea I’d ever met her. I didn’t want to imagine what he’d say if he knew that I’d fucked his future wife. I pressed my lips together, promising myself that I would keep that to myself.
As Varek pulled up a chair, Dakar raised his glass. "Congratulations on your tribute match! I heard the news."
I gripped my glass tighter, willing myself to maintain my composure.
Varek's face lit up. "Thank you. Allie is the most beautiful human I've ever seen."
From the corner of my eye, I saw Dakar's brows lift. He glanced at me, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. I held my breath, praying that he wouldn't remember the name of the woman they'd found me with on Earth.
But Dakar remained silent, and I breathed a silent sigh of relief.
Torven leaned across the table, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So what are you doing drinking with us when you have a bride waiting in your suite?"
Varek chuckled as he shook his head. "She was tired from the trip. I thought it best to give her some time to rest."
"Ah, but you should be wooing your mate!" Torven insisted. "Human females like big romantic gestures, you know."
As Torven began to offer increasingly outlandish suggestions for how Varek could romance Allie, I felt my grip on my composure slipping. The thought of Varek sweeping Allie off her feet, of her falling for him the way I'd hoped she'd fall for me, was too much to bear.
"I should go," I said abruptly, standing up so quickly that my chair scraped loudly against the floor.
The others looked at me in surprise, but Dakar didn’t seem quite as taken aback.
“I am also weary from traveling.” I managed to meet Varek’s gaze. “ I will catch up with you later.”
Then I turned and strode quickly towards the exit, leaving my confused friend behind. When the door of the officers' lounge slid shut behind me, I leaned against the outside wall, taking deep breaths. The Cressidian gin swirled in my stomach, making me feel slightly queasy. Or maybe that was just the effect of hearing Varek talk about Allie.
One thing was clear: I couldn't stay on the Boat. Not when every corner held the potential for an encounter with Allie and Varek. Not when every conversation could bring news of their developing relationship.
And I couldn’t go to Varek for a transfer. Not when I could barely look at the Drexian without thinking of him with her. There was only one way to be sure I never had to see them together, never had to pretend to be happy for my friend while my heart was breaking.
I had to leave.