Page 4 of Revealed

I made a half-hearted attempt to unload a few groceries before I crossed my living room and flipped on the TV. If the big guy noticed or cared, he didn’t give any indication. He’d pulled out a phone and was typing furiously, his expression hardening.

Even though the news shouldn’t have been on in the middle of the afternoon, I recognized the face of a news anchor on my screen. His expression was as grim as the stranger’s in the dark suit.

"Reports are coming in of an invasion from the air. Witnesses describe strange aircraft unlike anything we've seen. Government officials are urging citizens to shelter in place.”

Chills slithered down my arms even though sweat still glistened my skin. An invasion? Who was invading us? Was this a nuclear attack?

The anchor touched a finger to his ear and frowned. “We're now receiving confirmation that the invaders are not human. They are, in fact, extraterrestrial beings.” His image flickered on the screen. “Aliens have arrived on Earth."

I put a hand over my mouth to stifle a laugh. "This has to be a joke.” I turned to the man beside me. "Aliens? Really?"

But when I saw the look on his face, the laugh died on my lips.. His jaw was clenched, the muscles quivering as he gripped his phone so hard I was afraid it might shatter. Then it hit me. He was in all black and wearing sunglasses. Was he one of the men in black, like in the movie? Were they really a thing, and was he here because the aliens were real too?




Itook a deep breath, preparing myself to reveal my true identity to this woman and explain my urgent need to leave and join the fight against the Kronock. I’d never revealed myself to any human before. My entire job was based on concealing my identity and keeping humans unaware of Drexians. Could I go against all my training?

Another rumble shook the building, reminding me that there was an invasion taking place. If humans did not know about aliens before, they soon would know more than they ever desired, especially if the Kronock were victorious. The thought made me shudder.

But before I’d decided whether to reveal my identity to the woman who’d given me sanctuary, the door rattled, but it wasn’t because of the battle outside. Someone was knocking and calling through the door.

“Allie! Are you in there, girl?”

Allie. That must be her name. I exhaled when I realized that it was not the name of the female I’d been sent to find. For some reason, I needed the woman not to be a tribute.

She clicked a button on a device that made the television go silent, ran to the door, and threw it open.

The man who nearly fell inside was thin and pale-haired, although neatly dressed in gray shorts and a sleeveless green shirt. “I was worried sick, Allie. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Bryce.” Allie gave him a quick hug. “Just a bit shaken up, that's all."

Even though she was hugging the man, I did not sense that there was anything romantic between them. Possibly because as the man hugged her and caught sight of me over her shoulder, his pupils flared.

He pulled back and put his hands on his hips, giving me an unrepentant once-over. “And who is this?”

Allie hesitated for a moment, glancing back at me with uncertainty. “He’s taking shelter with me since he’s not from here.”

“No kidding.” Bryce stepped closer and eyed my suit. “I don’t even know if they make them like this in South Carolina.”

“I’m sorry.” Allie pivoted to me. “In all the craziness, I didn’t ask your name.”

“Maxxon,” I said, then stopped myself from adding that I was from House Kapor. Earthlings didn’t have clans in the same way Drexians did. At least, they didn’t identify themselves by them.

Bryce grinned. “That’s an unusual name. Where are you from?”

Allie nudged him in the side. “This isn’t exactly the time to play twenty questions.”

Her friend glanced toward the windows. “What is going on? It’s not the base doing fly-overs again, is it?”

Allie waved a hand toward the muted television. “You didn’t hear? It’s aliens.”

Bryce threw his head back and laughed. “Aliens?” Then a blast shook the ground, and his laughter stopped. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously.” Allie pointed the device in her hand at the screen and suddenly the talking head was audible again, warning people to take shelter immediately.