The words kept spilling out as if a dam had broken. "After that, it was just me. I've been on my own since I was 16. You know the reason I’m in this town? It was my favorite place we lived when I was little. Even though that was over twenty years ago, it was the closest thing to home I could remember. So I came back.”
“It’s a nice town.”
I looked up at him. “It’s okay, but it’s not what I remembered. I guess places from the past never are, are they?” I didn’t wait for an answer. “The funny thing is, when I moved back, the one thing I swore I'd never do again was run. I wanted to stay put, put down roots. I was doing pretty well at it too, until, you know, aliens invaded."
I stopped abruptly, regret washing over me. What was I doing? I’d never told anyone these things, not even the few friends I had. Yet here I was, spilling my deepest secrets to an alien I'd known for less than a day.
"I guess I can trust you with all this," I said, attempting to lighten the mood. "It's not like you'll be sticking around on Earth to tell anyone, right?"
Maxxon absently stroked the dog’s back. “That is true. Once my people successfully repel the Kronock invasion—which I'm certain they will—I’ll be returning to the Boat."
His words should not have been a surprise, but they still hit me like a punch to the gut. Of course, I would never see him after all this was over. The false sense of connection, the strange bond we'd formed, even the way his touch made me feel—it was all temporary. It could never be anything more. And if he was wrong and his side didn’t win, then there was a very real chance that this could be my last taste of freedom before the world as I knew it ended.
I reached out and touched Maxxon's face. His skin was warm beneath my fingers, and I felt a slight vibration, almost like a purr. His eyes widened in surprise, the dark pupils flaring until the amber was a thin ring, but he didn't pull away.
"I guess we have nothing to lose, right?" I whispered before pulling his mouth to mine.
The shock of Allie’s lips pressed to mine wore off within moments, and I gave myself over to the feel of her and the taste of her. Blood pounded in my ears as I curled one arm around the small of her back and pressed her body to mine, savoring the quick intake of her breath.
I should stop, I knew I should. I had not been sent to Earth to seduce a female of my own. I had not been tasked to find my own mate. And I had no right to claim a woman when I would have to leave her behind.
There was no provision in my job that would allow me to take one of the women from Earth as my own. If that was allowed, every Drexian would sign up to be a procurer and would only search for their own mate. No, the task of sourcing the tribute brides from Earth was one I took seriously. I had never even come close to slipping—until now.
Allie moaned into my mouth as I parted her lips with my tongue, and my cock thickened in response. Her body arched against mine, the swell of her soft breasts pressing against my chest and sending fierce heat arrowing through me. I tangled my tongue with hers, loving the way she teased me with hers, pulling back and then stroking forward.
I ran both of my hands down her back until I reached her ass. Then I slid my hands under her and hoisted her up and over so that she was sitting on top of me, her knees straddling my waist. She broke our kiss just long enough to meet my eyes, her gaze molten and her chest heaving.
“Do you want to stop?” I asked, even though I was afraid that my body would implode if she said yes.
She shook her head, biting the edge of her plump bottom lip. “The world might be ending. Why shouldn’t we take all the happiness we can?”
I hoped she was wrong, and her world was not ending. I hoped my Drexian brothers were beating back the Kronock. But I also hoped that I could stay in this cavern with Allie forever. I’d never felt as comfortable and at the same time as exhilarated by a female before. “And if it doesn’t end?”
Her laugh was husky and sent desire skittering down my spine. “Then we’ll both have had the best alien invasion ever. But do you want to take that chance?”
When she put it like that, it was impossible to remember any of the logical reasons why I should resist. Suddenly, my Drexian duty was slipping away, my devotion to my job was evaporating, and my worry that this would be a mistake I could not undo vanished like smoke in a storm.
She grabbed the sides of my shirt and jerked me toward her. “So, are we going to talk or are we going to fuck?”
Her words were like a jolt of electricity, both shocking and thrilling me. I ran one hand through the back of her hair, curling my fingers in it and jerking her mouth to mine in answer. I was no longer kissing her gently and with curiosity. I was ravaging her mouth, my tongue plundering and taking.
Allie did not shrink away. She scraped her hands roughly through my hair, her nails scoring my flesh and bringing a sharp sting that only made me need more. Rocking forward, she ground herself against my cock, which was hard and aching to be released.
Without tearing her lips from mine, she slid her hands from my hair down my shoulders and then my chest, dragging her fingers along my hard muscles. When she reached the waistband of my pants, she did not bother with the fastening. Instead, she slid one hand under the fabric until her fingertips brushed the tip of my cock.
She emitted a breathy gasp, leaning back and pulling her mouth from mine. As we both fought for breath, her eyes flashed desire before she dropped her gaze to her hand in my pants.
My cock was stiff and straining as the tips of her fingers danced over the slick crown, but I still had enough control to grab her wrist in one hand. She flicked her gaze to me as I pulled her arm behind her back and then pulled the other one, until I held both of them with one of my hands to the small of her back.
She wriggled her hands. “What are you doing? Why did you stop me?”
I held them firmly as she struggled to free herself, enjoying every moment of her fruitless wriggling. Without answering her, I used my free hand to rip open her shirt, sending buttons scattering across the rock floor.