Page 28 of Revealed

Dorn slammed back his own whiskey. “Especially if Inferno Force is in your future.”

I staggered from the officers' lounge, hoping that he wasn’t watching my uneven gait. The corridors of the Boat seemed endless as I made my way back to my quarters, the stark white walls a harsh contrast from the soothing darkness of the lounge. I flinched at the lights that made my head pound. Or maybe that was just the whiskey.

As I reached my quarters, I leaned against the cool metal door, trying to gather my thoughts. How was I supposed to join a new crew when my heart felt like it had been ripped from my chest? How could I even think about taking a mate when the only woman I wanted was on Earth?

I stumbled into my room, not bothering with the lights. In the darkness, I could almost pretend I was back on Earth in that dank cave with Allie. If I concentrated, I could smell the loaminess of the air and hear the distant plink of water dripping from rock formations.

But the illusion shattered as soon as I collapsed onto my bed. The mattress was clearly not rock, and the air on the station was too sanitized. Everything here was a reminder that I was back on the Boat, and Allie was not.

I stared up at the ceiling, watching the faint patterns of starlight that filtered through my wide window overlooking space. Usually the view was captivating, but now it only reminded me of the distance to Earth.

What was I going to do? The thought of taking another mate made me want to retch. But I knew I couldn't avoid it forever. I would be expected to take a mate. But how could I, when my heart belonged to a woman who saw me as nothing more than fun with no strings attached?

As I lay in bed with the room spinning around me, I tried to convince myself that I could forget her. That I could move on and be happy with one of the eager volunteers who would soon be arriving on the Boat. But that was a lie.

I couldn't go on like this, torn between my duty and my heart. I needed to see Allie one more time, to find out if she’d meantit. To find out if I had truly been nothing more than a diversion. Now I just needed to figure out how.

“Come on Maxxon,” I whispered in the dark. “You traveled to earth without ever being suspected, you sweet-talked women into believing you, you never failed in your missions. You can do this.”

My heart pounded as determination surged through me.

One way or another, I was going to see Allie again.




Istood in the middle of my bedroom, surrounded by chaos. Clothes were strewn across every surface, drawers hung open, and my suitcase was already jammed with my necessities. It perfectly reflected the tumult in my mind.

"Allie, are you sure you packed enough underwear?" Bryce's voice quavered as he dabbed at his eyes with a tissue. He cradled Dinah in one arm, the cat looking as unimpressed as ever.

I couldn't help but smile at my friend's concern. "Yes, Bryce. I packed enough underwear to last me a year on that space station."

“You aren’t going to be there for a year, are you?” He looked like he might swoon.

“Of course not. I told you that I’m coming back.”

“I don’t know how you figure that. It’s the tributebrideprogram, not the tribute try-it-out program.”

I turned back to my suitcase, throwing in a few more items haphazardly. My hands trembled slightly as I zipped it closed. He was right. I was taking a huge risk by signing up to be a tribute bride when I didn’t have any intention of being mated to a stranger.

I pushed that aside and pivoted to Bryce. "Now, remember, Dinah likes a can of wet food in the evenings. And Drex—" I glanced at the dog, who was watching me with sad eyes from the bed I’d gotten him to assuage my guilt, “—he needs a morning walk and an afternoon walk. Oh, and don't forget to water my plants!"

He narrowed his gaze at me. “You don’t have plants.”

“Right.” I slapped my hand over my mouth to muffle the nervous giggle. “That’s just what people say when they travel, don’t they?”

Bryce put a hand on my arm. "I've got it all written down, but when exactly are you coming back? You didn't give up your apartment, and you only took a leave of absence from Marlene's Mementos. What will happen if you can’t get back?”

"There are new rules now," I said, even though I was not privy to all the new rules. "I can come back if things don't work out."

That was an absolute lie. None of the paperwork I’d signed had mentioned backing out or coming home, but that was because none of the other women knew a Drexian warrior on the station. Once I found Maxxon, everything would work itself out. I was sure of it. Or at least a bit sure.

“Really?” Bryce’s expression brightened.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I hated lying to Bryce. He was my closest friend, but I couldn't tell him the truth. As much as I loved him, I knew he was the worst gossip in town. If I told him what really happened with Maxxon, it would be all over town before I even left Earth's atmosphere. He might even make a coffee drink named after us and post it as the day’s “barista special.”