Page 58 of Healer's Call

I run my hand through my hair. My anger is rising. I’m angry that the healer showed up tonight, ending my fight early. I'm angry she showed up and put herself at risk. I’m angry at the thought of any other male touching her or of any male claiming her. I growl again and rub my chest.

Cade gives me one of his looks. “Amber is really coming to care about Rose, so you better not hurt her, or my mate won’t be happy.”

“Anything new from Stu?” I ask, needing to change the conversation.

“He’s tearing apart their online presence, trying to find connections anywhere and everywhere. Nothing yet. Nothing to explain why they would come after our pack. It doesn’t seem that they have any wolves in their company.”

“Vampires?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Not that we know of at least.”

“It doesn’t make any sense.”

Cade rolls his neck. “I know.”

“You look exhausted, Cade. Go back to your mate and get some sleep.”

“I’m planning on it. Are you going to disappear anywhere tonight?”

I give him a grim smile. “No. I’m here for the rest of the night.”

“I guess I have a certain healer to thank for that.”

I shake my head, irritated. “That was really stupid and dangerous. I can’t believe they followed me. I’ll be talking to the enforcers to see who was on duty that let them through.”

Cade looks unsurprised at my words. “Just make sure they’re alive when you’re done with them.”

Knowing we’re done, I head over to the door. “Maverick.” His voice stops me. “Please don’t hurt her. She's a good person.”

I turn back to him. “Do you know what Julie looked like?” I ask softly. Her name from my lips brings a physical pain to my chest. I haven’t spoken her name in years. I don’t wait for him to answer, though I’m pretty sure I’ve told him before. “She was short with pale skin and long dark hair.” I pause a moment and try to push past the lump in my throat. “And she had these huge, expressive brown eyes.”

Cade drops his head. “I’m sorry, Mav.” He knows I just gave a perfect description of the healer. Then he looks up and meets my eyes. “But maybe that’s not a coincidence. Maybe she’s what you need to heal in more ways than one.”

“No.” I meet his eyes, so he knows exactly what I’m saying. “I told myself after what happened to her that I would never take a mate. I intend to keep my word.”

“Yeah. The word of a grief-stricken ten-year-old kid,” Cade says, standing to his feet. “I get it, Mav. I really do. But you’re wrong about this; you’re making a huge mistake. But your life is your own, and you can do with it what you want. If you want to be cranky and miserable and hard to get along with, then be my guest. But know this.” He steps close until we’re eye to eye. “She is under my protection, and you won’t hurt her. She is a good person and has risked so much to stay here and heal our pack. She deserves nothing but respect. And if the time comes for herto leave and you’ve decided you’re not going to make her yours, shewillbe free and able to be with another man.” I grind my teeth but stay quiet. I manage a short nod and leave the room. I tug off my shirt and pants at the back door and shift as soon as I’m out the back door. My wolf and I need to run off this aggression.

Chapter 28


The next morning, I’m up early, despite the late night. It‘s partly because there's a shifter that needs healing. Amber texted me last night about it. But the bigger reason is that I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that went down—from seeing Maverick in the fight ring to him actually talking to me. I also can’t get over the words he said.I would never be with another female.Being the overthinker that I am, I can’t stop considering his words and what they meant.Does that mean he would only be with me? Or does that mean he wouldn’t be with any female? Or does that mean he’s already with a female, so he’s not looking for another female?These thoughts continue to torment me, and that’s why I didn’t get any sleep last night.

The positive side is that now I’m downstairs early, so I can eat breakfast without having to talk to anybody. I make myself a hot tea and grab a biscuit with honey and butter and some bacon and turn around to find a seat. I just sit down when Cade and Maverick and Eli walk in. I immediately duck my head and hope nobody will notice me.No such luck. Cade turns and walks right over to me.

“Rose, how are you?”

I look up at him and try my best for a relaxed smile. “I’m good, Cade. How are you?”

“I heard you had quite a night last night.”

I freeze and then hazard a glance at Maverick. He scowls at me, and I look back at Cade quickly, wondering how I should respond. “Uh, yeah. It was...interesting.”

“While I appreciate you keeping an eye on one of our finest pack members, maybe leave the spying to somebody else from now on, yeah?”

I hear the amusement in his voice, but I still feel my cheeks flame. “Of course.” I keep my head down.

Cade chuckles. “In all seriousness, thanks for everything you’re doing for our pack, Rose.”