“Rose,” she chides. “That was not even close to what I was going to say, and you’re not a terrible person.”
“But you heard the things I said to him,” I say in a broken voice.
“I did.” There is no censure in her voice; I almost wish there was. It would match the loathing in my soul. “But I also heardthe things he said to you, and he and I are going to have words later.”
“Please don’t,” I mumble.
She’s quiet a moment. “I know we told you Mav’s story. But did you know that his sister was small and petite with long dark hair and pale white skin and large brown eyes?”
Her words feel like a punch to my stomach. I put my hands on my stomach, trying to ease the pain there. “I want you to know I’m not here to defend Maverick. Heaven knows the words I’m going to say to that boy when I track him down. He has no right talking to you the way he did, but I want you to at least understand him.” She shakes her head. “He’s the most difficult man I’ve ever encountered.” Her voice softens. “But I also know that he loves my daughter and would give his life to protect her. He buys her things all the time. Have you seen his room? There are traces of her everywhere.” She puts her hand on mine. “I say that because he has this misguided sense that somehow he’s protecting you by not mating you. Why? I have no idea. I can’t begin to know how any man’s mind works, but especially notthatman’s. But I know that trauma of losing his sister at such a young age, of not being able to protect her...it’s drivingeverything.Everything that happened last night; it’s because of his past.” Her gaze softens. “It’s not you.” She squeezes my hand. “You are the most giving, loving person I know.”
“Mav says I’m just wasting my life not doing anything. That I’m letting fear keep me from really living,” I tell her, feeling empty inside.
She doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. “Is there any truth to that?” she asks softly.
I pull a pillow to my chest and wrap my arms around it. “I’m healing people,” I say weakly.
“You are, and I cannot begin to tell you how grateful we are to you for that. But Rose, we don’t want you to not live your life.”A pain-filled expression crosses her face. “Maybe Cade and I are responsible too. We don’t want you to not be able to live your life, to experience things. Our goal was never to trap you here.”
“You’re not,” I’m quick to argue.
Her eyes are sad. “But maybe we are. We’ve let our fear keep you captive, and that’s not right, Rose. You have every right to live your life. To go shopping, go swimming, lay on the beach. I’m sorry if we haven’t made you feel like you could.”
I swallow hard, feeling uncomfortable. “You haven’t.”
“Maybe not intentionally.” I don’t say anything because I feel emotionally spent. “Do you want to go back to the Northwoods Pack?”
My head shoots up. “What?”
“Do you need to go back?” her voice is tight.
I stare at her, trying to read her. “Do youwantme to go back?”
“No!” Her answer is swift and fierce. “I would never let you leave our pack if it were up to me, Rose.” She smiles sadly. “You’ve become like family to us.”
I blink. “Really?”
Her eyes widen. “Oh my goodness! Yes! Rose, how can you not know that? We love you. Paige loves you. We would die if you left our pack.” She pauses. “But if that’s what you wanted, we wouldn’t stop you.”
I still can’t grasp her words. “You guys love me?”
“Oh, Rose.” Her voice breaks and she reaches out for me, wrapping me in the warmest hug I think I’ve ever received. “Dear One,” she whispers. “We’ve claimed you as family. Whether you stay or not, Cade and I will always claim you as family.”
Her shirt gets wet under my cheek before I realize I’m crying.Again. When she finally releases me, I still don’t feel like I have myself under control. I take a deep breath trying to steadymyself. “I can’t tell you how much your words mean to me,” I whisper. “Thank you.”
“It’s the truth.” She pulls back and pats my knee. "I want to show you something.” I eye her warily. “Will you come with me?”
“Did Bryce’s pack figure anything out?” I ask as we walk.
She sighs, and I immediately regret asking. “Not yet. Cade’s got three teams working with Alpha Bryce’s men, but each lead seems like a dead end.” I hear the weariness in her tone and refrain from asking any more questions about it. “Have you been to the training gym yet?” she asks.
“It’s not as large as the one you’re used to...” she says with a smile. “But everything the Northwoods Pack does is huge.” I can’t help but nod at that.
When we get to the building, Cade meets us outside. He kisses Amber, and I look away. “Thanks for coming over,” he says to the two of us. “I want to show you something Rose.” He leads us inside, and I’m greeted with the sights and sounds of the training gym that remind me so much of the Northwoods. I wasn’t in the gym many times, but it somehow always smelled exactly like this. I’m not exactly sure what it is we’re supposed to be looking at, but I follow Cade’s gaze and my stomach tightens. Maverick is in the ring with some poor soul, and Maverick is absolutely tearing into him. While I hate what he’s doing, I can’t help but be in awe of his physique and ability. Even from this distance, I can see his tanned skin with alpha markings and muscles. Soooo many muscles. I wince when the other shifter goes down and doesn’t get back up. Somebody drags him out of the way, and another guy steps into the ring with Mav. “He’s been doing this all morning,” Cade says in a low voice. I glance at him in surprise. His arms are crossed over his chest, and he stares at the ring.
“Why?” I can’t help but ask.