“Rose, are you okay?” Max asks, his voice not quite as harsh as it was.
“I am. Mav protected me. But he’s back, Max.” I can’t help the shudder that runs through me.
Max says something low that I can barely hear. “I killed him, but I guess he didn’t stay dead.”
“Who is he and why would he be working with the vampires?” Cade asks.
“His alpha was Alec, Emma’s brother. Alec’s dead for sure. Garrett and I made sure of that,” Max says. “They were working with the vampires back then.”
“Why?” Cade asks.
“Why does anybody fall in with those devils?” Max asks. “Greed, manipulation, compulsion. If he’s showing up again, you need to be careful.” There’s noise in the background, and then a new voice comes over the line.
“Cade, it’s Garrett. What’s going on?”
“Hey, Garrett,” Cade’s voice sounds wary.
“Ajax is back,” Raechel says from her end. It’s goes silent for a moment.
“Where?” Garrett’s voice is low and angry.
“We have him on camera at a vampire site less than two hours from here,” Cade answers.
“My men and I will be in the air in two hours. Can we stay there?”
My eyes jump to Cade’s, but he doesn’t look surprised. “Yes.”
“Why is it always the males?” Raechel asks in the background. “What about the females?”
I bite back a smile. “Angel, you’re coming with,” Max says in a low voice.
“Yay. I’ll see you in a few hours, Best Friend,” she calls out, and I can’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. I feel Mav’s gaze on me, and I meet his eyes. There’s a warmth to them that wasn’t there a few minutes ago.
We end the call, and Cade stands up. “Guess we’d better prepare to be descended on by the Northwoods Pack.” He looks down at Stu. “Keep me in the loop with whatever else you find.”
Stu doesn’t even glance away from the screen in front of him. “Will do.”
Mav puts a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll bring you some lunch.”
“Thanks,” Stu says without looking back.
Mav puts a hand on my back as we move into the hallway. “You hungry?” he asks, glancing down at me. “Hey.” He stops a moment and then pulls me into a small alcove. His concerned eyes run over my face. “What’s wrong?”
I shake my head. “I’m fine.”
He studies my face again. “You don’t have to ever put on a front with me. I want the real you all the time.” His thumb comes up and runs softly across my cheek.
My eyes blink back tears, and he steps closer. “I don’t know, Mav. I have lots of emotions, all the time.”
“I can handle emotions,” he says with a scowl, almost making me grin. “What I can’t handle is when you hide those emotions from me.”
I stare up at him, at war with myself. “But you told me I need to toughen up.”
He closes his eyes a moment. When he opens them, I can see the regret there. “I said a lot of things when I was pushing you away—words I can’t take back. I wish I could.” His face is filled with pain. “I’m sorry for the things I said. I love everything about you, Rose, especially your tender heart. Don’t ever change.” He steps close until his big body is crowding mine. “I am mean and vicious, especially when I’m protecting those I love. But I need you, Rose. I need your gentleness, your tenderness. I needyou.” He steps closer, until we’re chest to chest. “I love you exactly for who you are; don’t ever change.” And then he leans forward and kisses me so tenderly. I sigh, and he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer. When he pulls back and looks into my eyes, he smiles; and I catch my breath. “Come on, let’s get food for Stu before he starves to death.” He takes my hand and leads me through the building and into the kitchen.
Pam greets us with a smile. “How’s my favorite couple?”
I can’t help but smile. “We’re good.” There must be something in my smile, because she gives me a second glance and then a huge grin fills her face. “Oh my.” She puts out her arms, and I step into them. “Congratulations,” she whispers and kisses my forehead. “You too,” she says. A moment later, Mav steps into the hug with us, sandwiching me between the two of them. After our hug, she wipes her eyes. “What can I do for you?”