“Gotta take advantage of every opportunity for privacy we can get,” he said. Emma relaxed against him and started sipping her coffee. “Ask away,” Garrett said.
“So do your females have babies in wolf form or human?” Emma asked.
“Human form,” he said. “Babies for shifters are born just like regular human babies. We don’t shift until we go through puberty.”
“When did you first shift?” Emma asked him.
“I shifted pretty early,” he said. “I was ten. Most shifters shift for the first time by the time they reach eighteen. If they reach eighteen and haven’t shifted, then they’re not going to shift. Usually, that’s the case. Not always.” Emma was quiet, just listening. “I think that’s what your brother and his friends were trying to get you to do. I think they were trying to get you to shift. Sometimes extreme circumstances will cause a wolf to make their first shift. I think they thought it they hurt you or scared you badly enough, it would force you to shift,” Garrett said in controlled anger.
Emma looked at him in confusion. “But I’m not a wolf.”
Garrett nodded. “I know, but you are an enigma. You don’t smell like a wolf, but you also don’t fully smell human. That’s why you garnered Liam’s attention so much the first time he saw you. He called me and told me I needed to come meet you. He was unsure of what you were. Of course, he had no idea that you were my mate.” Emma listened and thought about everything he was saying. In a cruel way, it made sense.
“You say that extreme circumstances can bring on a shift. Is that what happened to you when you were ten?” she asked quietly.
Garrett didn’t respond for a moment. “Yeah,” he finally said. “My father and mother, our alpha and pack mother, were killed.”
Emma stared at him in shock. She had no idea; he’d never breathed a word of any of this to her. “I’m so sorry, Garrett. I had no idea. What happened?” she asked.
He was quiet, and she gave him time. “My father was a good alpha. Strong and powerful. One of the strongest, if not the strongest, alpha in the country. Because of that, he never worried about his own safety. He never had a need to. He was a prideful man. One night, that came back to bite him. He and my mom went into the woods one night and never came back. They ran into a pack of rogue wolves. There were just too many of them.” Garrett was silent after that. Emma had no idea what to say. “That’s why Max is so obsessed with my security. He remembers what happened that night. We all do. It could have been prevented.”
“Did you and Liam and Max all grow up together?” she asked.
Garrett’s expression softened. “Yeah. We’ve been friends for a long time.” He was quiet for a moment. Then he looked at Emma. “They’re both strong and powerful enough to be alphas. They could go out and have their own pack if they wanted to, but both of them chose to stay with me.”
“They’re good friends,” Emma said with a smile.
“Yeah,” Garrett agreed.
Emma sat there trying to work up the courage to ask him what she wanted to. Garrett looked at her. “What are you thinking?”
Emma decided to just go for it. “Do you think I could see your wolf again?”
Chapter 45
“I thought he scared you,” Garrett said.
“I’m trying to get past my fear of wolves. I think if I'm around him more, maybe I won’t be so terrified. I mean if I'm going to be living with a pack of wolves, I really need to get over my fear of them,” she said with a small smile.
Garrett smiled at her before kissing her. “Come on, beautiful. He would like nothing better than to spend some time with you.” He eased her off his lap. They walked outside. Emma saw Max climb out of the car. He kept his distance but followed them as Garrett led Emma towards the trees behind the coffee shop. He quickly stripped down. A moment later, a magnificent black wolf stood in front of her. Emma walked towards him and put out her hand. He nuzzled his nose into her palm. Emma let her hands roam over him. He was so big and powerful, yet so gentle with her—much like the man himself. Garrett’s wolf turned and started walking, then turned back as if to say, “Follow me.” Emma caught up next to him and walked alongside him. A few minutes later, she heard the sound of water. Garrett’s wolf led her to the edge of the water. Emma sat down on the ground next to the wolf.
“This is really pretty,” she said out loud.
The wolf lay down on the ground next to her, and she leaned against him. He was so warm and soft. She felt content to just sit next to him. Emma relaxed in the peaceful quiet all around her. “I could get used to this,” she said softly to the wolf next to her. She stroked his back.
She wasn’t sure how long they sat like that. She dozed off and on. Eventually, Garrett’s wolf roused her and he stood up. Emma stood up next to him, and they began walking back the way they came. It was getting dark now, so she relied on Garrett’s wolf to guide her. They came out of the woods and began walking towards the car. She saw Max walk out of the woods behind them. She shook her head. That man was so stealthy. When they got to the car, Emma slid into the backseat. A few moments later, Garrett slid in next to her, fully dressed again. Without a word, he pulled Emma across the seat and next to him.
“Thank you,” he breathed into her hair.
“Thankyou,” she said.
Max climbed into the front seat. It was quiet as they drove back to Garrett’s house. “Paul’s going to meet us here,” Garrett said before they slid out of the car. Emma nodded. Garrett held her hand as they walked towards the house. Emma glanced around the kitchen when she stepped inside and smiled when she saw it was all picked up. She would have to remember to thank Madison for that.
Garrett tugged her hand and pulled her with him to his bedroom. He closed the door behind them and took her into his arms. “You sure you’re ready for this?” he asked.
Emma nodded. “Are you?”
“My wolf and I are more than ready for you to bear our mark,” he said gruffly.