Page 27 of Ruthless Vows

A muscle in Nicolas’s jaw twitches. “I’m going to assume he got it from you.”

“Yes, he did.”

His blue eyes narrow. “You’re admitting to aiding a man that would have killed me. Did you forget that we were already in an alliance back then or you just didn’t give a fuck?”

“I never turn anyone down when they request a favor. All I ask in return is that they promise me something of theirs.”

There’s a tiny scoff before Lucia leans down to whisper something in her sister’s ear. Aurora Ramirez smirks at whatever it is her sister says.

“Care to share with the class,milaya?” I drawl, my gaze meeting hers.

Her eyes widen and I can see she’s genuinely shocked that I spoke to her at all. She gets over it pretty quickly, taking the time to glare at me.

There’s that fire I remember.

“I said you’re starting to sound a lot like Marty Byrde fromOzark,” she says confidently.

“I’m assuming that’s some sort of TV show…”

“You’d be assuming correctly.”

“Hmm,” I say, staring at her for a couple of moments.

It’s nice to be speaking to her again. And I’m glad to see that my memory served me well and she’s still the same woman I’ve been unable to get out of my head.

“Can we return to the issue at hand?” Nicolas questions, irritation in his voice. “What deal did you make with Sebastian?”

“It’s pretty simple, really. He offered me a wife.”

The room falls silent upon that declaration. They all stop to stare at me, wondering exactly where I’m going with this. At least, the two women do. The men, though, Nicolas and Adrian, seem to know exactly what’s going on.

“As I’m sure you’re aware,” Nico starts slowly, “Sebastian was in no position to make that offer. He has no daughters.”

“Doesn’t he?” I ask meaningfully.

I know all about Sebastian’s missing daughter in exile. But that’s not why I’m here.

“Honestly, I don’t care if he did or not. He’s dead now.”

“Dead men can’t renege on deals. And the terms don’t expire simply because he did. You know this as well as I do, Ramirez. I’m owed a wife, and I’m here to collect.”

“What the fuck are you saying?”

“Considering what Sebastian offered to me was basically a clean sheet. The terms state I can marry any woman of my choice in the outfit.”

When I look at Lucia, she’s paler, her eyes wide, meaning she’s already caught on to what’s going on. Months ago, when Sebastian approached me to make the deal, the terms weren’t exactly relevant to me. I knew he was a dead man, but I decided to humor him a little, give him what he wanted. I never had any plans to hold him up to his end of the deal. I certainly never had any reason to want a wife.

Until now.

When I make my pronouncement, I make sure my eyes are fixed on amber ones.

“I want Lucia Maranzano.”

Her sister gasps softly. I watch as she grips Lucia’s hand tight. Lucia herself seems to be in shock. There’s the sound of a gun being cocked.

“Like hell you do, asshole,” Adrian Rossi states, pointing the gun in my face.

So dramatic.