Page 82 of Ruthless Vows

“What’s about to happen.”

I’ve barely finished speaking when there’s the sound of a gunshot in the direction of the ballroom doors. Standing in front of them is none other than my brother. Beside me, Lucia gasps. Everybody scrambles for safety, running away from him. There’s a closed-off expression on Alexei’s face as he walks toward me and Lucia. I’d been hoping he’d have the sense not to do this today of all days, but, well, here we are.

I move in front of Lucia, standing between her and the gun in Alexei’s hand.

“Hey, brother,” he greets with a small smile. “Am I too late for the wedding?”



All I wanted was a peaceful wedding day. Was that really too much to ask?

My heart is pounding in my chest as I take in the fact that most of our guests have scattered from the room, leaving only a couple of people and guards. My sister is with her husband, fear written into her face. Adrian’s still here, and Sabrina. Camila and her husband as well. Basically anybody that cares about me.

Ivan covers me with his body, and I can feel the tension rolling off him in waves. The room itself is quiet; no one moves as the brothers continue to stare at each other. None of the guards approach Alexei. I think everyone’s confused. He walked in here on his own with a gun.

A few seconds later, though, it becomes clear why he was confident enough to do so. A red beam of light lands on Nico’s chest. And suddenly, there’s several more on strategic points of the room. Snipers. My hand goes over my mouth in horror.

Oh, God.

“What are you doing, Alexei?” Ivan finally speaks.

“You know, you really should be thanking me, brother. My partner wanted me to blow up the wedding in the church, but I thought it was a bit morbid. Not to mention blasphemous.”

“You don’t even believe in God.”

Ivan’s voice has taken on that polished arrogance, his tone dismissive. I want to tell him that it’ll probably make Alexei angrier if he’s not taken seriously.

“The point is, I let you get married. I let you have a few moments of happiness with her. And now you’re both going to die,” Alexei announces.

“No!” my sister screams.

She tries to walk toward me, but Nico holds her back, his expression strained.

“Everyone but my brother and his bride, get out! Get out or this place becomes a massacre,” Alexei states. “You and I know it’ll happen, Ivan. This only has to be between you and me. Clear the room.”

Ivan must make some sort of gesture because the guards all start to move out. It takes a bit longer for my family to leave. I step out from behind Ivan to look my sister in the eye.

“Go. I’ll be fine. I promise,” I assure her.

Tears brim in her eyes and I can tell she’d rather do anything but.

Ivan speaks up as well. “Ramirez, I trust you and Rossi will handle the snipers?” he says casually.

“They’re not going to be able to handle shit,” Alexei spits.

Nico nods in agreement and, after sharing a look with Adrian, both men leave and he takes my sister with him. Thank God.

There are only four people left in the ballroom. Alexei with his gun, me, and Ivan. And then Ruslan, who stands in the corner close to us, like an immovable statue.

Alexei’s jaw ticks as he takes him in, but he must decide there’s no point trying to get him to leave. His loyalty to Ivan runs deep.

My heart rate calms slightly when my husband takes my hand in his, his thumb drawing comforting circles on my skin. Alexei’s eyes narrow onto the point of contact.

“Can we have a conversation like civilized people now?” Ivan asks his brother.

“I think the fuck not,” he retorts, brown eyes blazing. “You’re not taking me seriously, Ivan. This isn’t a joke.”