Page 34 of The Councilor

He had no idea what he was talking about. But I was eager to see the inside.

As he turned on lights, I was even more impressed with the interior. The foyer was just as gorgeous with a tall ceiling and a sweeping chandelier. The cut in the glass was incredible, sparkles floating against every wall.

He led me deeper into the house, turning on a few lights. As he took me down a hallway, for some reason I felt as if I was being taken into a place of reverence. “My office, only off limits when I have a business meeting non attorney wise. Let me provide the quick downstairs tour.”

“You have lovely tastes,” I had to admit. That didn’t mean I wanted to be there.

“Not quite the stodgy killer you believed me to be?” He returned down the same hallway, pointing out a huge half bath. When he opened the closed door to another room, he waited to see my reaction.

“What is this?”

“Your future sculpting studio. I thought you’d want to bring your pottery wheel and clays over.”

I wasn’t certain whether I wanted to be incensed or thankful. “This isn’t my home but thank you.” Being polite was still in my nature, even with him.

“I hope one day you will be able to think of it as your home. You can make changes, add your own touches. You’ll be spending more time here.”

“Oh, yes, the doting wife and mother.” My retort was swift and easy. Still, the lighting was incredible, the beauty of the room with built-in shelves and oversized work area was spectacular. No, I wasn’t going to tell him that.

He led me back out, turning out the lights and closing the door. I trailed behind him as he led me down the hallway, moving into an open-air living room that wasn’t formal in the least. There were books and movies, an incredible stereo and entertainment center. There was even a bar located on one side. Something caught my eye and as soon as I went to the bank of back doors, I couldn’t help but smile.

There was a stone patio leading to what I knew had to be gorgeous bank of grass, and a separate pathway leading to a pool on a raised platform. Water glistened from the overhead moonlight and incredible colored lights from the pool depth.

“A favorite place of mine,” he said as he flanked my side.

“Do you swim?”

“I do. The water is warm. Inviting. A perfect ending to a long day.”

I folded my arms across my chest. The man was nothing like I’d believed him to be, either inside or outside the office. We headed into the kitchen and it was impossible not to whistle. The granite countertops were a cobalt blue, not a typical boring gray or tan. The cabinets were white, but the appliances were more of a graphite color. With the comfortable-looking furniture including barstools and everything from a bowl of fresh fruit to cutesy kitchen towels, the room was anything but sterile.

He could tell I was looking at him. It was impossible not to. However, I was tired and certainly not ready to play house.

If I ever could be.

“Just point me in the direction of my room and I’ll get out of your hair.”

“Not so fast. I need to establish some rules.” His tone had completely changed, becoming even more authoritative than he was in the office.

I backed away. “I don’t need rules. Okay? Remember, I did grow up a mafia princess.”

“Yes, but you altered your life to try and be someone you weren’t. That gives me cause for alarm. Plus, we got off on the wrong foot.”

“You think?” I could tell he was getting annoyed with me. Too bad.

He let out an exhausted sigh. “So, here’s the rules as I see them, although there will be more. You aren’t to leave the house without me or an escort. You can talk with your friends but right now, they aren’t allowed here. You will have a room of your own but keep in mind, after the wedding, we will be a traditionalman and wife sharing the same bed. I’ll have someone go to your apartment and collect your things. We’ll purchase you additional clothing as you will need them. Most important, escaping isn’t in your best interest.”

“Why is that?”

“Because I can be a nice guy, but if I’m crossed, you won’t like the punishment doled out. You should already know that.”

“Oooh,” I hissed, backing away. “I’m scared to death. What happened before was your mistake. Yours. You know I had every right to be inside that office.” Maybe I was pushing it a little. If I was going to make myself at home, I’d start right now. I turned completely away from him, opening the refrigerator and studying the contents. Before I had a chance to grab a bottle of water, I was jerked backward and into the man’s arms. Just being this close, the tingling sensations heated up to an explosive level.

“Don’t push me but for so long or so far, my lovely fiancée. As I already told you, I’m a dangerous man.”

“Fuck you. Maybe I’m dangerous too.”

He had the nerve to drive me into the edge of the counter, holding both my arms. He was very tall but when he was peering down at me, I felt tiny.