Page 103 of The Councilor

“You married me. Remember?”

“Which means I still have the joy of taming you.”


He’d driven one of the new sports cars that I couldn’t pronounce, the open windows and rocking music keeping a mischievous smile on my face. When he made a turn and the sound of the engine powering down reached my ears, I leaned forward. It was impossible not to. He was a man full of surprises.

For all his bravado, his masculine roughness, he was soft inside. Of course, I would never tell anyone that. Nope. It was my private secret.

The engine slowed even more, another turn made and suddenly, we were at a standstill. At least I’d been able to change out of the way too frilly wedding dress into a little frock my besties had helped me select.

We’d been allowed to go shopping and to lunch, and I’d bought everything of course. We’d had bodyguards the entire time, which the girls had found amusing. They’d even flirted with Kristoff and Ivan, which had amused the hell out of me since the two burly men had no idea how to handle the boisterous women.

I’d had a blast, including them watching me purchase a very expensive watch for my soon to be husband. They’d oohed and ahhed, still unused to the fact I now had money.

Not that I cared.

“Okay, my bride. This is a new adventure, a new beginning, one I hope both of us will embrace.”

He was out of the car before I could say anything. I managed to get open my door, touching the blindfold in hopes of ripping it off soon.

My husband was suddenly there. “Nope. Not yet. Let me help you out.”

“I can do it myself, even blind.”

Yet he pulled me out, immediately whisking me into his arms.

“What are you doing, Neanderthal man?”

“Taking control of my wayward bride. Plus, did you forget about traditions? Carrying you over the threshold of our new home.”

“New home? You have a perfectly good home, plus two others.”

His dark laugh sent another wave of shudders through me. I kept one hand on his chest, forced to admit to myself I had butterflies of excitement in my stomach. The powerful man could do that to a girl.

Plus, I couldn’t lie about the fact that I was curious as to what he’d purchased for us.

He was whistling as he carried me, taking at least three steps before unlocking a door. I could tell he’d kicked it in, which made me laugh all over again. The man was a take charge kind of guy with everything.

“Now, keep in mind there’s some work to do but I’m certain you can handle it.” He eased me onto the floor.

“Me? Where are you going to be, staying away from your new bride?”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tightly against him. “You know better. You will be on a short leash.”

Why was it that his words were so exciting?

“Keep your eyes closed until I give you permission to open them.” He removed the blindfold and I realized I was holding my breath.

As he walked me forward by a couple of steps, I wasn’t certain I could breathe, I was so lightheaded.

“You can open them now.” His command was just as dark and inviting as the man.

I took my time and when I did, seeing the incredible view of the ocean setting outside the magnificent set of all glass doors was breathtaking. The ocean waves were gently rolling against the shoreline and maybe some might think being here would bring back horrible memories.

Somehow, it was just the opposite.

I felt invigorated and alive, as if my life had just begun. Correction. Our life.