Leigh's inclusion in the fun felt normal, so she followed along as they trailed the corridor and arrived at Mason and Emma’s hospital room. Every now and then, she and Claude exchanged secret glances, something relayed between them wordlessly.
It was like they didn't have the argument back at Embraced at all. And Leigh was fine with forgetting all about it.
Baby Babs’s full name was Babette, in honor of their matriarch, Barbara. She was the first to hold the little bundle of wonder, tears rolling down her cheeks and pooling on the baby’s blanket. Leigh and Claude took turns holding her, gazing into those sweet, swimmingly blue eyes.
"She is a treasure,” Leigh whispered.
Claude spoke to Emma like they'd known each other for years. As they did, Leigh held Babs, who was far more wiggly than little baby Mai.
Emma’s energy toward the vampire was warm and inviting. But Leigh also felt an eagerness to understand their closeness. She would have to let her in on the information when they had privacy again, back at the Sassy Wolfe.
“Aria and Trevan just had their baby too,” Claude said, standing by the hospital bed. “What timing it is that both women would have their children on the same day?”
“Holy crap, that is wonderful!” Emma said, sitting up in the bed and pointing at her husband. "Mason, we have to find out what room they’re in. The kids can meet!”
Mason chuckled, then brushed some hair out of Emma's face. It was an intimate gesture between two people who knew each other better than they knew themselves.
Leigh wanted to feel that way, desperately. And she wanted to feel that way with Claude.
“It’s probably better that you and Babs get some rest first. It's been a long day, for Aria too,” Mason said, planting a kiss on his wife’s forehead.
Emma's eyelids fluttered, and she and Leigh shared a look. Babs was beginning to fuss, and as much as Leigh was able to calm her down, she knew that nothing would do the trick the way a mother's touch would.
“Okay, I think she wants her mommy,” Leigh said, giggling.
Leigh handed the baby back to Emma, who began to sing to her with a sweet lullaby. Bab's small eyes were open only slightly, and her arms and legs jostled around under the blanket. But the second Emma began to sing, her little body went limp, and she pressed her cheek against her mother's chest.
It was one of the most beautiful sights Leigh had ever laid her eyes on.
“That’s how you do it," Emma whispered with a wink.
Tristan and Barbara took photos and fussed over Babs for a little while longer. Soon enough, another nurse came into the room and rushed the four of them out so mom and baby could get the rest they so sorely deserved.
But before they could depart, Mason tugged at Claude's elbow. The vampire paused, and Mason’s voice was low for the sake of his newborn and exhausted mate.
“Hey, how about the two of you stay in town for a bit? We’ve got a guest house on the property you can stay in, if you want. Emma will likely only have to stay for one night here. I would love to spend more time with you both."
Mason flashed a charming smile, his eyes lingering longer on Leigh’s than Claude’s. She gazed up at the vampire, who was already nodding with approval.
“That sounds lovely. I’d be interested in that,” he said softly.
“Splendid!” Mason replied.
When they walked out into the hallway, Claude slipped his hand into Leigh’s. His touch was like an electric shock.
"I hope that was okay to do," he muttered once they'd made it out of the room. "I don't want to make decisions for you, but I’ve been wanting to see you. If you'll see me, of course."
A smile tickled Leigh's lips. She lifted his hand to her mouth and planted a delicate kiss.
“You made the right decision. I want to see you too.”
Claude felt inspired after holding baby Mai. He realized in a profound, incredible moment, that he and Leigh's potential relationship really wasn't about the two of them at all. It was about securing a harmonious future between two species who, historically, had not always gotten along well.
Tristan and Barbara had done their emotional labor about striking a balance between the two groups, as had Aria after mating with Trevan. Claude admitted to himself that he hadn't understood how Aria could mate with someone with wolf blood, but he had been judgmental. She had done something that no member of his kind could have. She changed the rules and told everyone to go with the road of progress or don't follow the road at all.