Leigh was thrilled to be a part of the team, helping Barbara decorate the main Wolfe family home in celebration of Babs. She and Claude had just finished making love again that morning and sauntered over to Tristan and Barbara’s, glowing like lanterns in the night.
Leigh felt like she was constantly blushing—at least, that was how Barbara made her feel. When they first walked in, hand in hand, they were the first of the family to arrive.
The matriarch gave her an approving wink.
"Come on, Leigh, help me finish putting up these streamers. Claude, you can help Tristan in the kitchen. When the boys get here we’ll start the BBQ.”
Leigh gazed at Claude, who gave her a warm smile. She didn't want him to feel overwhelmed by all of the Wolfe men. It was a comradery she was used to, having grown up around it. She didn’t know how vampires got along, if they varied in personality compared to Claude, or if there was a general introspection and propensity for brooding.
But when he waved her away toward Barbara, she felt reassured. She didn't need to take care of him. He was a grownman who would put in the effort required to honor his place as a member of the family.
“Get going, then. Those streamers won't put up themselves," he quipped.
Leigh kissed him lightly and felt her stomach flip.
“See you soon," she whispered.
They parted, with Claude meeting Tristan in the kitchen, and Leigh following Barbara down the hallway toward the lounge where the celebration was set to occur.
When they walked in, Leigh was moved by the adorable decorations that the Wolfe matriarch had already applied. Blue and pink balloons, a bedazzled sign, and matching red and blue plastic cups. Little wolf stuffed animals lined the mantle of the fireplace, in all colors of the rainbow. It was all very cute and welcoming.
“This is so sweet, Barb,” Leigh said, clapping a hand over her cheek. “I think Mason and Emma are going to love it."
“I know they will,” Barbara said, smirky craftily. “The real question here is whether you and Claude will like it."
Leigh moved to the coffee table where Barbara was sorting through glittery mobiles she wanted to hang in the doorways. She felt the prickly sting of the blush again.
“Whatever could you be referring to?" she muttered, fiddling with the arts and crafts.
Barbara laughed, then reached out her hand to tug at Leigh’s ear. It was a motherly gesture that made the wolf feel at home.
She stared into the sage matriarch’s eyes, those bright, icy blue pools.
“Trust yourself, Leigh. I can see it in your eyes the second you walked in here with him. You can’t bear to be apart. It's like peeling off skin."
The palpability of Barbara’s description struck Leigh, and she took the wolf’s hand in her own. It was cozy.
“Thank you. I’m really trying to listen to my own intuition. I know you understand."
“I really do,” Barbara said, smirking again and eyes drifting longingly toward the kitchen. "I really, really do."
Leigh could hear the echoes of both Tristan’s and Claude’s laughter sneaking down the hall. At that moment, Leigh knew she would never escape her relationship with the vampire unscathed.
And she didn't want to.
At the same time, a barrage of Wolfes pushed through the front door with their little pups in tow. Claude, Tristan, Barbara, and Leigh all went out to greet them.
Aric and Jordan, along with Nate and Karla and their triplets, plus Ellie and Caleb with little baby CJ all stormed in, a barrel of laughs and hugs and kisses arriving on their tails. It was a storm of chaos, but it was all love, colliding and bouncing off one another like comets streaming through the atmosphere.
The men migrated toward the kitchen, then made their way out to the backyard. Leigh sat with the women and watched the kids, marveling at the triplets' growth, and cooing at the quiet beauty of little CJ.
She was beyond happy to see Claude getting along with the men of the family, sorting out the burgers and hot dogs and salad, despite not being interested in food in the slightest. None of the Wolfes were cold toward him—in fact, they were quite the opposite. They asked if he brought any synthetic blood with him, and Tristan even offered to get some from his personal production.
“Trevan sometimes has it, so I like to make sure I’m all stocked up," Tristan said, standing at attention at the BBQ.