“You kidnap children! Innocent children and sell them to monsters, and you have no fucking remorse! You don’t care. You go on each day as if nothing is happening, and then you do it all over again! How? How can you do that and then be mad that we don’t have kids, Gabe?” I scream at him. He pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it in the basket before doing the same with his jeans and walking toward the bed.
“Because it’s my job, Lana.” I huff a laugh.
“Your job? To hurt children?”
“I don’t hurt them! I don’t fucking lay a hand on them, and you know it!”
“You steal them from their homes, their parents, and don’t think that hurts them?”
“I’m sick of your mouth,” he snaps, pointing at me.
“And I’m sick of all this!” In seconds, he has his hand around the back of my neck, his boxers down his legs, and his cock in my mouth.
“You need something to shut you up, Lana? Is that what you need?” he asks as he thrusts in and out of my mouth. Tears roll down my cheeks, but that doesn’t seem to bother him either. I try to pull back and away from him, but he holds my head tightly as he fucks my mouth. I want to gag. I want to bite him, but I know better.
He keeps going until he’s done. Then he comes down the back of my throat. When he pulls out of me, I stand and rush to the bathroom right before throwing up. He follows me and stands in the doorway.
“Since when do you fucking throw up?”
“Since you make me sick,” I tell him in between gasps.
“Get it all out, honey, because tomorrow is your big day. You need to sleep.” He turns and goes back to the bed but I don’t plan on going in there and sleeping with him. Instead, I finish throwing up, clean myself up, and curl up on the bathroom floor, wishing this was all a bad dream.
Chapter 5
She sits in the back of the cage, unmoving. Even after we took the little girl from her fighting and screaming, she hasn’t moved. I don’t know her connection to the girl and she isn’t willing to say.
We took the last shipment of girls Baron found out about, and this woman was with them. I’m not sure what to do with her. I’ve never had a woman come in with the kids. I don’t know if she was being held and sold or if she’s one of them. I just don’t fucking now.
“What are we doing with her?” Hoax asks when he comes to stand next to me. I didn’t know where else to put her, so I stuck her in the cage.
“I don’t know, Hoax,” I answer, running my hand over my face.
“Have you taken her picture? Run it?” I shake my head as he walks over, pulling his phone out. The girl watches him but still doesn’t speak. He pulls the cage door open and steps inside, kneeling in front of her and taking a picture. She doesn’t blink or try to run, which is a little strange. Why would she just sit there?
My phone rings, and I pull it out, seeing it’s Ry.
“You didn’t forget about dinner, did you?”
“No, but there’s a situation,” I tell him.
“What is it?”
“There’s a woman who came in with the kids,” I explain to him.
“What do you mean a woman? Who is she?”
“I don’t know, Ry. She hasn’t said a word since she’s they brought her in,” I reply.
“What the hell is she doing?” he asks as Hoax walks out and closes the cage door behind him.