“You want everyone to look at your body, Lana? Is that what you want?”
“Lies, Lana. You’re lying to me right now.” He pulls me across the room toward a chair in the corner. It looks like the chair heused before, but this time, there is more than one vibrator. I put my feet down and try to get away but Hunter’s hold is strong.
“Please, Hunter. Don’t do this,” I almost beg, trying to get him to stop. He doesn’t. He ignores me and nods toward Hoax. He comes toward us, grabbing one of my arms and wrenching me away from Hunter’s body. Then they both force me onto the chair, Hunter bending down to position the vibrators where he wants them.
“Sit,” he orders, but I shake my head.
“No. That’s too much, Hunter.”
“It’s not enough. If I could, I’d stick one in every one of your holes,” he growls at me.
“Hunter,” I say once more. Still nothing. He’s angry, and this is my punishment. Hunter grabs my hip roughly in his hand and sets me down. I cry out because there’s no lube or anything as the vibrators thrust into me.
Hunter ignores my cries before he leans back down and turns them on while Hoax ties me down. As soon as they start, I whine.
“You wanted everyone to see you, right? Now they can all watch you come until I decide you have enough.” Hunter turns to walk away just as Rylan, Silas, and the girls walk in. Tamsyn’s eyes find mine for a brief second before she pulls them away. The vibrators do what they’re supposed to do as orgasm after orgasm rips through my body.
I watch Hunter and the guys talking across the room as I pant for air. It’s too much. Everything with him is too much.
“What did you do?” Silas asks as Angel hangs off his side.
“Tell the truth, Lana!” Hunter yells across the room.
“I didn’t do anything!” I yell back. Silas chuckles, but Angel looks apologetic. The two of them walk back over to the table and sit down when Hunter walks over.
“You’re not ready to admit what you’ve done?”
“I didn’t do anything. I didn’t know they were here.”
“You knew Hoax was here,” he counters, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Hoax sees me naked all the time, Hunter.” He raises an eyebrow and looks at me.
“Does he?”
“You le-” I can’t even get the words out as another orgasm tears through me. I whimper as Hunter watches me.
“When you’re ready to admit you fucked up, I’ll let you up.”
“I didn’t fuck up,” I whine this time. Hunter turns to walk away, but I can’t take anymore. My muscles ache, and I feel like I’m on the verge of passing out. Maybe that’s what he wants me to do. Maybe he wants me to pass out. Just as my muscles begin to lock up once more, I yell for him.
“Fine! I fucked up! Just make it stop, Hunter,” I beg him. He turns back to me and unties my hands and feet, but he doesn’t let me stand until the last orgasm hits me. He watches my body tremble as tears roll down my cheeks. He leans down and shuts off the vibrators before lifting me off them. I can’t stand on my own. My legs quiver, threatening to give out on me, whenHunter scoops my naked body into his arms and carries me across the room.
He nods toward Rylan, who passes him a blanket he drapes over me. My eyes are heavy and slowly fall closed as the guys talk around us.
I can vaguely feel Hunter carrying me to our room and laying me in the bed. I feel the blanket pull up over me, but I can’t force my eyes to open. Feeling the bed shift next to me, I know Hunter’s getting in bed.
His arms wrap around me, and he leans in near my ear to whisper, “I love you, little rebel.”
Chapter 27
I’ve never thought much about my life or where it would lead me. Mainly because I knew Chaos was my place, my home. I knew I belonged here for as long as I can remember. The Gods took me in and made me who I am today, and I don’t regret a minute of it.