“I’ll never get tired of tasting you.”
Chapter 25
I wanted to surprise her. I wanted to give her something she could hold onto and be proud of. I’d pretty much give Lana whatever the hell she wanted if she would just ask for it. So I flew her to New York.
“It’s beautiful here,” she says as we walk down the street.
“You like it?”
“It’s different than California.” We walk up the steps of a house, and I knock as Lana looks at me as if I’m crazy. When the door opens, she drops to her knees.
“Oh my God,” she cries into her hands as she covers her face with her hands.
“Hi,” the little girl says as I shake hands with her dad.
“It’s you,” Lana whispers. Celia moves in quickly, hugging Lana. I watch as Lana wraps her arms around her and holds her tightly.
Her dad and I talk while Lana cries. I keep my eyes on her, though, to make sure she’s okay.
They pull apart after what seems like forever and just sit on the steps and talk.
“She talked about her,” her dad, Henry, informs me.
“She did?”
“Yeah. Said that there was a lady who was really nice to her and took care of her. We didn’t get all the details when you guys returned her, but whatever the hell you do, thank you.” I nod my head as I smile at Lana.
“She was one of them. I won’t tell you her story, but she understands,” I tell him, nodding toward Lana.
“Well, I hope you take care of her the way she did Celia.”
“You have my word on that.”
We continue talking while Lana and Celia talk. I learn that Celia’s mom passed not long after she came home. She’d been sick for a while, and everyone thought she was holding on just to see Celia again. His words pierce my fucking black heart.
When it’s finally getting late, we say our goodbyes and promise to keep in touch. I wrap my hand around Lana’s and lead her back down the sidewalk to our car. When she climbs it, she lets it all out. She sobs, covering her face with her hands once more. I start the car and take off, letting her have her moment as we head back to the hotel.
When we arrive, I help her out and lead her to our room, unlocking the door and stepping inside. When she looks down, her eyes widen.
“What is this?”
“It’s for you.”
“Black rose petals?” she asks, looking up at me.
“Blood is red, little rebel. We’ve seen enough of that lately,” I tell her. Her eyes light up as she spins and crushes herself against me.
“You didn’t have to do this,” she tells me.
“I’m not the hearts and flowers guy, Lana, and I think you know that, so I’m trying here. I’m learning,” I admit to her.
“I don’t want you to change, Hunter. I just want you to know that.”
“I’m not changing, little rebel. I’m evolving.” Now she laughs as I spin her away from me and force her to follow the petals. When we step into the bedroom, she looks at the bed and gasps.
“What is all that?” she asks, pointing to the bed.