Are things ever truly over? I’d like to think that one day, they may be. For me? Not so much. I have dreams now, nightmares. I know they’re gone, and they can’t hurt me anymore, but that does little to stop the dreams that come. I jolt awake once more and look over at Hunter sleeping next to me.
I take the time to just look at him, take him in. He’s perfect, from those dark brown eyes to the shaggy brown hair I want to run my fingers through. When he told me he loved me, I thought I was going to throw up. I never thought I’d hear the words back from him. I knew he cared. How could I not know? But love? I didn’t expect him to love me.
I climb off the bed and walk into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. Somewhere deep inside, I’m healing, and I only have Hunter to thank for that. Without him, I’d be nothing. I’d still be being used and abused. Being sent here with those kids was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I splash some water on my face and grab the towel to dry it off when I see him coming into the bathroom. He walks past me, slapping my ass hard with his hand making me yelp. He walks over and uses the bathroom not even caring I’m still in here. When he’s finished, he comes over, bumping me with his hip until I’m out of his way so he can wash his hands. I lean my hip against the sink and watch as he dries his hands.
“What?” he asks with a smile on his face.
“Why are you awake?”
“We have plans today,” he replies.
“What plans? You didn’t tell me about any plans.”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Haven’t we had enough of those yet?” Hunter laughs and shakes his head.
“Not yet. Get dressed,” he says before leaving the room. I leave the bathroom and grab some clothes, throwing them on before heading to the main room. I’m not sure what Hunter has planned but I plan on finding out. I have to say that I’m hoping it’s something good.
I look around, but I don’t see him anywhere. I start toward the kitchen when Hoax walks out with a drink in his hand.
“Where’s Hunter?”
“I don’t know. Thought he was with you,” he answers. My eyes roam to the spot where they were all killed. Not a single drop of blood remains after the guys cleaned it all up.
“It’s closure,” Hoax says. I drag my gaze back to his and nod.
“I think I needed to see it.”
“Sometimes that’s what we need. We have to see that it’s over.”
“You’re right. I wanted to hate Hunter for forcing me to watch it, but you’re right.”
“Don’t give him a big head,” I hear Hunter as he comes out of one of the side rooms with a bag in his hand.
“Hey, when I’m right, I’m right,” Hoax adds.
“We’ll see you in a few days. You sure you’re good?” Hunter asks him.
“A few days?” I ask.
“Yeah, I got this,” Hoax tells him. I look to Hunter but he doesn’t say a word, just smiles at me. I walk over and he pulls me into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of my head before shoving me toward the door. We walk to the car, and I climb in while Hunter puts the bag in the back and then climbs in.
“Are you going to tell me what we’re doing?”
“Let’s just say that I’m giving you a piece of yourself back,” he tells me. That makes no sense, but this is Hunter, and I trust what he’s doing. I sigh and sit back in the seat as he pulls out and drives. I look out the window as we drive, taking in everything.
That’s when I notice where we’re heading.
“Why are we at the airport?” I look over at Hunter now, but he still doesn’t say anything. Instead, he grins, pulls in, and parks. He climbs out as I do the same, and he grabs our bags.
We walk through the airport and then toward another door. Hunter pulls the door open and ushers me out toward a private plane.
“A private plane?” I ask him.
“Only the best for my wife,” he says, and my insides tremble with his words. My eyes fill with tears, but I blink them away before he can see them.