Page 39 of Cougar Point

“I’ll have to ask my dad.”

Sweet Jesus. Rebecca is a grown woman. Taller than her sister, taller than me, much taller than her father. She’s an experienced corporate attorney, evidently has smarts to go with her blue eyes, blonde hair, and high cheekbones, hence her fashion model appearance. Ronnie is a knockout but with red hair, and I always notice that when she’s with me the guys think I’m her ugly wingman. Rebecca is a little older than I am. Probably late twenties, and still has to ask Daddy. I’ll ask Ronnie to check her mom’s office when we get back. “Would your dad know how to contact her family?”

“I have no idea.”

I look at Ronnie and she shakes her head. I say, “It’s too bad Sergeant Lucas isn’t more helpful. Ronnie, can you get into the utility company data and see if Vinnie Lombardi lives near here? I know it’s a long shot but we have to start somewhere.” Ronnie is my Internet geek. There’s very little data that is safe from her prying fingers. I’m lucky to have her as a partner.

Ronnie starts to take her iPad out but I stop her. “Let’s eat first.”

She ignores me and starts punching and swiping. When she stops she says, “There are dozens of Lombardis. The localcriminal record system can only be accessed from a terminal at the police department unless you want me to bypass them.”

I mull it over, “We should talk to Longbow first.”

Ronnie directs her gaze over my shoulder. I turn and see an angry Sergeant Lucas headed our way. From the look on his face, I guess his boss told him the good news.

The restaurant isn’t full by any means, but he says loudly enough for all to hear, “I want you to know I don’t appreciate you going over my head. You may be hot shit in Jefferson County but you’re nothing here. I was putting criminals away when you were just getting out of grade school. I close every case. Can you say that?” He doesn’t wait for an answer and turns on Rebecca. “I hope you know your friends’ interference is going to cause major problems.”

“Sheriff Longbow told you he’s deputized us as Whatcom County Sheriff detectives. And he’s told you to include us, right?” Lucas’s red jowls are the answer. “We need access to your computers. We need to see everything you have.”

“Sure. Why not. Sheriff Longbow said to bring you to the station. I’ll give you whatever he orders me to. But listen closely,detectives.” He looms over our table and spits the word “detective” out like its distasteful. “This is my case. If you step one foot over the line, I’ll haul you in the same as I would any other criminal.”

I calmly say just to piss him off, “We’re not in competition, Lucas. We want the same thing. And I promise, if there’s any credit it will go to you.”

“This isn’t your jurisdiction. You can’t give me credit.” He backs up a step. “You can follow me to the station now.”

Ronnie says, “We’re still waiting on our food. I’m sure we can find your office when we’re through. I don’t think Sheriff Longbow would appreciate you pulling us away from this wonderful food.”

Several diners are still looking our direction and our waiter is watching wide-eyed, no doubt hoping for a fracas. Lucas doesn’t seem to notice, or care, and leaves in a huff.Good one, Ronnie.

To insult him further I say, “Or you can eat with us.” I’m sure the chef has a hand rake and a bucket. Lucas clamps his mouth shut and stomps out.

The sisters have oysters and a salad and wine. My hamburger is perfect but I skip the wine. I want to go into this meeting with a clear head and clean breath. And I don’t want to give Lucas a reason to discredit me.

I get up to use the restroom and splash some water on my face. As I’m coming out, a man wearing a blue baseball cap brushes past me on the way to the exit, head down, grunting an apology. A moment later, I hear a word that turns my blood to ice. The word is my name. Or at least, it used to be.


For what seems like eternity, I’m frozen. Then I make myself turn around. There’s nobody there. I imagined it. Or did I? The man with the baseball cap is nowhere to be seen, and the door is still swinging shut.

Without even thinking about it, I move toward the door, pushing it open and spilling out into the afternoon sunshine. The lot is empty. There’s no one there.

I return to the table, feeling shaky, like I just avoided a car wreck. My imagination, that has to be it. I’m so wound up about this case, I’m hearing things.And seeing things too?the little voice at the back of my head adds helpfully, thinking about the disappearing man in the hat.

My dining companions haven’t noticed anything was amiss. They’re laughing at some joke I missed.

Ronnie says, “I was just saying, Lucas hasn’t changed a bit. When we went to grade school, we all called him Officer Unfriendly because he was such a hard-ass.”

Hard-ass, or just an ass, I ponder. Whatever, I need him on my side. I have enough enemies. I motion the waiter over and a dessert to go. The sisters pick at their food. Not me. I’m starved. I even eat a couple of oysters. I don’t know what I tasted. Maybe it’s for the best. I take a breath mint from the little container on the table, pop it in my mouth, and chew it. Rebecca and Ronnie give me their mints and we head into the lion’s den.

After that little scare on the way back from the restroom, I’m just grateful to be anywhere but here.


The Whatcom County Sheriff Office is located in Bellingham, which is the county seat. I park on Prospect Street, and Sergeant Lucas meets us at the entrance with a scowl on his face.

“Was your meal satisfactory?” he asks.

I open the box we brought from the restaurant. “I brought you and the sheriff a peace offering.”