Page 59 of Silent Ridge

“Get over here, girl,” she says.

I take a seat, see the slightly inebriated faces around me, and decide I’m having only one drink. Maybe a big one, but just one. My resolve lasts almost as long as it takes to down a Scotch.

Sheriff Gray orders another round, and when they come, he stands. “I know we have a celebration planned for Ronnie’s official swearing in, but I think now is a good time to make an announcement.” He raises his glass and everyone around the table raises theirs. “Ronnie, will you please stand.”

Ronnie doesn’t look uncomfortable at all. I would be looking for a door about now. She looks around at the faces and then settles on Sheriff Gray’s.

“Reserve Deputy Veronica Marsh came to us last month during her rotation to various units of the department. I assigned her to shadow one of the finest detectives this department has ever seen, Megan Carpenter.” He puts his hand alongside his mouth like he’s revealing something he doesn’t want anyone else to hear, but I know he’s going to blast me. That’s a tradition as well.

“Ronnie has survived the fire. If Megan didn’t break her—or get her killed—then she deserves to be one of us.”

There’s a round of clinking of glasses and Tony continues. “It’s highly unusual for anyone to be hired before completing the rotation process, but soon-to-be Deputy Marsh has been kidnapped and beaten and suffered a broken wrist, all in the line of duty when she and Megan brought down a serial killer.”

He holds his glass out to Ronnie.

“Tomorrow you will be sworn in as Deputy Marsh. I’m proud to have you on the team.”

Glasses are clinked in salutes all around and Tony orders another round.

Marley is drinking more than his share. I imagine he’s disappointed that it wasn’t the romantic dinner he planned, but to his credit he acts like the night belongs to Ronnie. And it does. He’s being a gentleman and that might make points with the object of his desire. I feel a little chastened by hoping he doesn’t get lucky. If he and Ronnie consummate the relationship, it won’t be long before one or the other grows tired or complacent and my connection with the crime lab might dry up. I know that’s selfish. I don’t care.

Where I’m sitting I can see out of the big picture windows of the bar toward the bay. It’s dark out and the yellow sodium streetlights only create shadows. I think I see something move across the street and my hand automatically feels for my gun. I watch for several heartbeats but there is no more movement, if there ever was. Maybe a food wrapper was caught by the wind and sailed just out of reach of the streetlights. Maybe someone is going to their car. I feel silly for being so hyperalert.

I really need to talk to Dr. Albright.

As the evening winds down, Copsey and Davis are the first to leave. They have duty early in the morning. Like I don’t. Mindy stays but I wish she doesn’t. She wants to discuss my love life or lack thereof. It’s not a good subject right now. Sheriff Gray stands.

“Come on, Mindy,” he says. She got a ride with him. “Megan.” He looks at me. “My office. First thing in the morning.”

I nod but he doesn’t settle for that. “Okay. Your office. First thing, Sheriff.”

I would call in sick except for the case.

He seems satisfied and leaves with Mindy. That leaves me, Marley and Ronnie. Marley clears his throat a couple of times.

“You’re not getting sick, are you?” I ask him, and get a dirty look.

“It’s about time I got home too,” Ronnie says. “Marley, thanks for the dinner and sharing my celebration. You’re a good friend.”

His lips form a tight line at the word “friend.” “My pleasure, Deputy Marsh.”

Nice recovery, Marley. Now finish your drink, make like a fly and buzz off.

“I guess I’ll head home too,” I say. “We have an early day tomorrow.”

“I’d like to talk to Ronnie alone for a minute if that’s okay,” Marley says.

I want to argue but just then I see Dan’s truck going past the window. At least, it looks like his truck. “See you in the morning,” I say to Ronnie. “Thanks for all the help today, Marley.”

He nods without taking his eyes from Ronnie. She hasn’t had as much alcohol as I’ve had so she should be safe from Mr. Yang. I leave a large tip and then leave The Tides. Outside I check the parking lot and look up and down the street. Moths flutter around the lights. I hear a car door slam somewhere and a dog barks. The bark sounds happy. A loved one has come home. It would normally make me smile. A happy thought. This time it doesn’t lift my spirits.

Dan’s truck is gone and all I think about is the email. I want to be mad at him. He thinks we need time apart but he doesn’t know what I know. Time apart won’t help anything unless it’s forever. I can’t think about that. I’ve lost so much already.

I walk the two blocks to my Taurus. I’ve had plenty of opportunity to buy a personal vehicle but for some reason I stay with the Taurus. It’s like me: messed up but serviceable.

I sit in my car with the engine running but don’t go home. I’m thinking of waiting for everyone to clear out and then going back to The Tides. I’m a little hungry and there’s nothing at home to heat. Not even cereal. The milk expired a few days ago and is almost cottage cheese.

Everyone at the party had somewhere to go afterward. Somebody to go home to. Even Ronnie had Marley, who is crazy about her. I have my gun and my tapes. I’ve had two boyfriends now. Both have abandoned me. My own brother hates me. I like to think I’m a superhero. Like Superman hiding behind Clark Kent’s fumbling persona. Unable to form attachments because the bad guys would use it as a weakness. Come after my friends if I had any. That’s what happened to Monique. She was caught in my black cloud where monsters are real.