Page 39 of Bound By You

Growing up, because of my ADHD, I've never managed my anger very well. My parents built me a gym in the basement for this exact reason because, as an adult, it's ten times worse. My whole body is vibrating; she said goodbye, fuckinggoodbye. I shake my head. Does she really think I'd let her go after our first hurdle? She knew this would be hard.

I hear my brother answer his phone. He curses something about Sofia being near the club and then hangs up just as Sergi speaks.

"Al?" he questions me while my brother observes me, knowing I'm a ticking time bomb. I shake my head again, and turn to chase after Phoebe, before she gets the first flight back to California. Damian and Sergi shout my name, then curse when I speed up, and they follow me, knowing our men will clean up my mess. I walk out of the club and look around the dark parking lot, when I hear a scream, then two gunshots, and I run. I canhear Damian and Sergi running behind me, and when I round the corner, pain like no other spears me through my chest.

My fault. This is my fault.

My woman, my heart, is lying on the ground, bleeding out, with what looks to be Mihai dead next to her.

"Phoebe!" I shout as I run toward her. Blood—so much blood. I kneel and lean over her. "Fuck baby, you're okay, you're going to be okay." She gives me a small smile before coughing, and blood comes out of her mouth. My whole world collapses.

She's dying. No, fuck, no.

“I-I-I lo-ove y-you.”

Tears brim over, and I place my hand on her cheek. "Sweetheart, please don't give up. I need you, mymalen'kaya ptitsa.” I lean down and kiss her forehead as Sergi comes skidding to her left side, and puts pressure on two very large wounds, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Keep fighting Phoebe Pie," he rasps. She barely lifts her right hand and holds it against his cheek.

"I-I lo-love you, b-big bro-brother."

He sobs as Damian leans over her, a phone to his ear, barking orders while keeping pressure on the bullet wound in her chest.

"Get my fucking wife here now, and hurry with the fucking car." He hangs up. Sofia was already in the area; she wasn't happy with Damian going to the club and decided to come kick his ass.

Damian puts his hand on her cheek. "Come on, sweetheart, don't give up now, don't leave us. Don't leave him." A tear trickles down his face as a sob leaves me. I can't lose her, not now. Please, no, please.

“I-I’m s-s-sorry, d-don’t cr-cry.”

He lets out a sob, and I lean down, placing a kiss on her forehead and whispering, "You can't leave me, baby. I owe you a lifetime of groveling. Please, baby, don’t give up on me."

She tries to reach up, but her arms don't move, and I grab her hand, realizing what she wants, and place it on my cheek. She's so cold.

“I-I’m s-s-sor-ry for no-not trying h-harder."

I sob hard, shaking my head. She's saying, bye, she can't, she fucking can’t!

“Sssso c-c-old.”

I scream, "Where the fuck are they!" I look down at my girl, and I can hear Sergi sob. Her eyes close, and I rub her cheek.

"No,malen’kaya ptitsa, stay awake," I rasp.

"Sooo ti-tired," she whispers as a car comes to a screeching halt next to us.

I hear Sofia scream but can't focus on her, my eyes staying on my love. Sofia shoves me out of the way, and I fall on my ass. She puts her fingers on Phoebe's neck, tears streaming down her cheeks, while my father leans over Phoebe with tears in his eyes.

"Her pulse is weak; we need to go now!" Sofia states firmly, trying to get a hold of her emotions.

My father and I go to lift Phoebo, while Damian and Sergi try to keep the pressure on her wounds. Suddenly, her eyes close, and I hear her whisper, "Alex", before her chest stops moving.

No, fuck no. Roaring out in pain, I start CPR, screaming, "Phoebe! No, please don’t leave me!"

Sergi stands, holding his hands to the back of his head with tears falling from his eyes as my brother has heartbreak all over his face. My father bends forward, leaning his hands on his knee and sobbing. I lean forward and blow two big mouthfuls of air into her mouth, then continue compressions on her chest.

"Please, baby, please." Tears run down my face as Sofia leans over Phoebe’s head, checking her pulse. I don't stop the compressions; I can't lose her.

"There's a pulse; we've got to movenow.” She shouts the last bit, and Dad and I grab my girl again, and carry her to themassive Mercedes SUV. We all get in, with Sergi driving, while I place Phoebe's head on my lap. Damian sits in front, getting his phone out and calling ahead. Sofia lays Phoebe's legs on her lap, keeping track of her pulse, as my dad sits behind us, leaning over to watch her, too.