Currently lying on the ground, wiggling around, is my friend/kind of boyfriend Oliver, who is trying to kick the goose from thefarm across the road away from his ass, as it has a good grip on it with his beak.
He looks up, notices us, and scowls at the tears running down my face.
"Are you seriously sitting in your car recording this? Fucking help me, babe," he shouts, and I lose it again while Abby clutches my arm, struggling to talk through her laughter.
"F-fuck, t-this is the funniest s-shit I have e-ever seen."
I nod in agreement.
"Babe, please!" he bellows, and I pass my phone to Abby and head out to help, all while still laughing.
"I'm glad you find this funny, babe, but remember, paybacks are a bitch." He sneers at me, and I start laughing hard again, making him roll his eyes before he screams out in pain as Goosy, the goose, bites down harder. I quickly but quietly walk up behind him and catch him by the neck. I don't have a net, so this method will have to do. I pull the bird close to my body. I reach down and wrap my arm around his body, holding the wings in place, and grasping both legs with one finger between them.
I gently pull up while Oliver quickly gets out of the way, and I try to hold back my laughter but fail, because he glares at me as Abby gets out of my car, still laughing.
I gently stroke my index finger against Goosy's neck and ask, "Are you okay, baby? Did that mean man hurt you?" I coo to the bird, and Abby loses it again while Oliver glares at me. I just smirk, then walk the bird over to my pond. He'll head back home when he's ready.
After I place him on the pond, I head indoors. As I walk in, I go stand next to Abby to see what she's laughing at now, and end up using her as support, not able to hide the sheer amusement of Oliver using my frozen peas on his bare ass. He's pulled the back of his pants down while he ices himself. We end up on the floor, tears running down our faces, and he scowls again.
"Alright, laugh it up, and here I was, being the nice guy I am, coming to see my girl and ask about her test results, and this is the thanks I get: a bird attacking me, biting my ass, and you two recording it." He shakes his head at us, and we lose it again.
He pulls his pants back up and places his hands on his hips, glaring at us, and I chuckle a little before calming down and walking over to him. He softens, opening his arms, wrapping me up in them, and I place my head on his chest and sigh in disappointment—no butterflies or tingly feelings.
We've been in limbo for about four months now. I met Ollie through Abby after a month of living together. He works with James at Kevin's despite having his parents' money. He's got the boy next door look with blond hair, blue eyes, and a swimmer's body. He's been incredibly sweet, kind, and patient with me. I mean, we've made out a couple of times, but we haven't gone further. I struggle every time he tries to get intimate. My mind drifts back to Alex, and I instantly feel like I'm cheating on him, which is fucking ridiculous because I know for a fact he's not living like a monk, which is why tonight is the night. I'm moving on with my life, and I think I can be happy with Oliver, so I've decided to give him my virginity. I just need my body to play ball.
"Fancy coming to celebrate with us at Kevin's tonight? Seems as though I got an A plus," I ask as I look up at him, and he grins widely before he lifts me up and spins me in a circle.
"I fucking knew you could do it, baby; I never doubted you." I grin back. "Okay, baby, I'm going to head out. I'll shower and change, and be back in an hour and a half to get you girls, deal?" I nod as he bends down and places his lips on mine. They're soft and warm. He licks the seam of my mouth, and I grant access, his tongue tangling with mine. He slows the kiss, then pecks my lips again before heading out, and I sigh out loud.
"Still no spark, huh?"
I groan, banging my head on my kitchen counter. Abby chuckles softly and rubs my back.
"Are you sure you want to lose your V-card with him tonight, Phoeb?" she asks gently, and I lift my head to look at her, glaring.
"Yes. I think once we get there, the spark should be there, too, right? I need to try. I cannot keep moping for someone who doesn't give a crap about me. We'll use lube if we have to," I state, and she gives me a sad smile, then drags me to my room, where Ares has made himself comfy on my king-size bed. I walk over to him and pet him, making him purr, and I smile.
"Right, missy, leave the pussy alone and go shower. Wear your short, purple, lace dress, with your silver heels, your hair down in waves, and light makeup. We'll meet out front in 45 minutes," she commands, and I chuckle.
I stroke Ares and head to my double-en-suite bathroom to get ready. I shave everywhere, because tonight, I will finally lose my virginity, and Alex will not be in my mind. Right?
Alexandr – Current Day
I smileas I watch Mila swirl in her ballerina outfit as she practices her dance, ready for her show tonight. Maksim stirs in my arms, and I gently rock him, patting his butt while smiling again. He's the spitting image of Damian, and a happy little baby. At five months old, he’s started to butt shuffle, and he always looks proud when he does it, too.
He settles as Mila curtseys, indicating the end of her dance, then bounces up and down, proud of herself, and I grin at her. I can't believe she's nearly four.
"How was that,dyadya? Do you think Phe-Phe will come to my show tonight?"
I give her a loving smile while rage builds in my gut. "You were perfect,Malen'kaya, but Phoebe won't be able to make it, sweetheart. She's still at college to learn to look after animals." She smiles a little and nods, and I sigh. She misses the woman she saw as a loving aunt when, really, she's a fucking selfish bitch. Mila gently leans over her brother to kiss my cheek, then heads to the kitchen to find her mama. Sofia is amazing with thekids, and Damian doesn't take it for granted to have her back in his life.
I look down at the beautiful boy in my arms, and I sigh. My mind wanders back to Phoebe as it normally does when I'm alone, and my thoughts are mine alone. Usually, I'd go out and do the grunt work for the Bratva; torturing is my specialty and helps me think of all the ways I'm going to punish her, but I can't when I have this little dude. I rub my finger along his cheek. I had never wanted to kill a woman before her, but she made me fall in love with her, then bolted without a word to anyone.
I shake my head.
I've been trying to find her, but not so we can pick up where we left off. No, I want to fucking punish the bitch for doing this. I never felt true emotions before, and now I feel like a fucking fool.