I can already hear Candy's moaning mixed in with the music from downstairs, and I furrow my brow when I realize she sounds the same as when she was with me. She fucking faked with me? I scowl, and Phoebe snorts, noticing my look and making me narrow my eyes at her, but she just smirks at me, and I shake my head, moving forward.
I open my office door, and the sight that greets us is quite sickening, to be fair. Candy is on all fours, a fat, greasy man is fucking her ass, while Savannah is standing in front of Candy, holding her head to her pussy, and all my paperwork is messed up over my desk, where they've gone through it all.
Phoebe enters the room first and chuckles before she looks at me. "Seriously, that is what you tried to replace me with?" I smirk at her and playfully narrow my eyes, causing her to grin wide while my brother and friend snort, enjoying her roasting me, assholes. The three on the floor quickly get up in surprise when they hear us, as Candy starts to fake cry.
"Alexandr, baby, it's not what it looks like, I swear." Mascara rolls down her cheeks, and Savannah pales when she notices Damian, who's smirking while the greasy man freezes, his small dick getting smaller as it deflates, his face going ashen.
Phoebe chuckles when she notices him standing there frozen, butt naked, while Candy quickly covers herself with the guy's dirty shirt. Savannah goes to Damian like he can save her. Before she can get near him, Phoebe grabs her hair in a tight twist and pulls it down hard in her fist, causing Savannah's head to tilt back in an awkward angle. Phoebe then chuckles evilly. Candy is watching her, wide-eyed, not knowing who my girl is.
"Now, what kind of friend would I be, letting your skank naked ass anywhere near Sofia’s man? You going over to Damian,my brother, for a reason?" she sneers.
Damian smiles at her words, loving the brother title. Savannah tries to yank her hair out of Phoebe's grip but cries out in pain. Instead, my girl smirks, and I must readjust my pants, causing Sergi and Damian to chuckle. Candy notices and smirks, thinking it's because of her, and walks toward me, before she wraps her arms around my waist and presses her sweaty body against mine before I can move. Now, I don't like hitting women, but come on, she's covered in the guy's fucking sweat. I hold my breath so I don't gag and go to move, but she tightens her grip and pouts at me.
I look up when Phoebe says, "Well, it looks like you're off the hook for a little while, Sav; why don't you sit next to Greasy there?" Savannah is shoved onto the couch. She lands face-first in the guy's cock, making Daman and Sergi lose it. I look at Damian and see he's recording everything for Sofia, and I have to bite my lip from smirking. I don't want Candy to get the wrong idea; it's bad enough that she has a grip on me.
She starts to whisper to me without realizing the danger she's now in.
I look down at her and glare hard.
"Let's go have a look at that house, baby. This here…I owed money, so I was just paying him back. That's all. I didn't want to worry you. Please, baby."
Just as she finishes, Phoebe leans over her shoulder and says, "Oh, so you haven't been stealing millions from Volkov & Co.'s businesses while Alexandr sleeps, after you've fucked or while you've been in his office alone? Millions which, by the way, have been transferred back from your off-chore account," she says so sweetly, you'd think she was shy and quiet Phoebe again and not the Angel of Death. I try to move from her grip again, but Candy holds me tight and pales. My heart rate picks up when I realize Phoebe won't look at me, and I know Candy's grip on me isn't helping the situation. I grip Candy's arm and move it from my waist, but her other hand grips my shirt, and I growl, but Candy doesn't seem to see the problem as she continues to bait my woman.
I look toward my brother, my eyes pleading for some help, and he starts to come toward us as Candy smirks, and he stops, seeing the killer in my girl's eyes, shit.
"Let me guess, you're the idiot who ran like a little baby? Well, I should thank you for leaving because you gave him to me. Do you know how fucking hot he is to fuck? He gets me wet so easily, and his tongue is dynamite."
I go still, completely forgetting about Candy's arm wrapped around my back, but Phoebe just smiles nicely at her.
"Well, it's a good thing I've never fucked him then, isn't it? I don't fancy catching any STDs."
I slowly close my eyes. A lump forms in my throat at her next words.
"I should thank you, actually, because seeing this helps me with the decision I was struggling with this morning." I go to grab her arm, knowing she's leaving me, but she moves away from my touch and doesn't look at me, and panic rises. I knew she shouldn't have come tonight. I look at my brother and see the panic on his face, too, and he starts in our direction again. I look toward Sergi next; he's standing behind Greasy to ensure hestays seated on the couch I’ll be burning later. Greasy is next to Savannah, who's visibly shaking, and he looks uneasy, too.
I look back at Phoebe, and she's now looking at me. Peace washes over her face.
No, no! "Malen'kaya ptitsa…” I say, panic I can’t hide straining my voice as I try to move out of this bitch’s grip, a bitch who's smirking at the situation, probably thinking she's saved. Phoebe smiles at me, grabs her gun, and turns, shooting Savannah in the kneecap. Savannah screams out in pain while Greasy vomits on the floor. Great, now I've got to strip the wooden flooring, too.
Damian looks at Phoebe in shock, and she shrugs. "For Sofia," she remarks, making him grin wide at her. Then she puts her gun back behind her and goes to walk out. At the last second, she turns and looks at me. Candy's arm is still tightly gripping my shirt, her head near my chest as I'm leaning back away from her to stop the contact, and instead of shoving her to the floor, I just stand there with my arms hanging down like a fucking idiot.
"Goodbye,Agapi Mou," she rasps, then turns and leaves.
My heart feels like it's being torn in two. Both my brother and Sergi tense, knowing I'm about to blow.
I shove Candy off me, and she stumbles back. "Baby, wha?—"
I don't let her finish as I grab my knife from the sheath behind my jeans and slice across her throat. Blood pours out of her neck, and she drops to her knees, looking at me in shock, her hands gripping her neck as she chokes on her own blood. Savannah screams, and I grab my gun, shooting her between the eyes. I look at Greasy, who’s pissed himself and smells like he's shit himself, too, and is covered in his own vomit.
I approach him and he blabbers, "Look, man, I'm sorry, it was just easy money. Mihai offered me a higher rank to grab all your information. Candy was his mistress; please, dude, I'm?—"
I stab him in the ribcage, shutting him up, then slice the knife up toward his neck, hitting his windpipe. I slice through it, and watch as he slowly dies in front of me. My whole body is now cold and numb from the mistakes I've made that not only risked our Bratva and Mafia but also my girl's love for me.
I walk outof the club with my heart in my throat and my face void of emotions, while on the inside, I'm dying. But this is the right decision. Seeing her arms wrapped around him and him not pushing her away, only gently trying to pry her hands off him, cemented it for me. I was already having doubts after having to remember him with Selene this morning—no thanks to my so-called father, but just now, it was a slap to the face. Even after he found out why I left, he still fucking slept around without a care in the world.