Well, this is going to truly fucking piss her off, but she should have known better.
Just as I'm about to open my mouth and tell him there's no fucking way I can marry his youngest and that we'll figure something else out, there's a knock on the door.
"Enter," Basil commands in a cold voice. I look at him with a raised brow, and he shakes his head a little. I tip my chin to him before moving over to the wall. The door opens, and Selene walks in, her hair curled in a short bob. She’s wearing a black maxi dress that dips too low, with a pair of sandal wedges that stick out as she walks. She's added a few inches to her 5’9”. She has caked her face with makeup, and I shake my head wondering how the hell I ever thought she was beautiful.
Every time I've seen her, she looks like a fucking clown.
She sees me, stops, and smirks, licking her lips, obviously thinking the meeting is about our arrangement and hoping for an apology and my Black Amex. I shake my head. What the actual fuck? She cannot be this thick, can she?
"Selene, get out of the doorway and sit down," Basil booms from his desk, clearly pissed at how she's dressed, his face red from her actions. She startles and starts to move forward, and just as I'm about to ream her fucking ass for the shit she's causing, all because she's a whiny, spoiled brat, my voice stalls in my throat, and I swallow my tongue at the vision before me in the doorway.
Standing at maybe 5’5”, with a body men dream of—slim but with just the right curves around her waist and hips. Long white-blond hair cascades down the back, minimal makeup, and she’s wearing a simple, light pink t-shirt, jeans that hug her so nicely that her ass looks edible, and a pair of pink and yellow DCs.
This is Phoebe Adino, and she’s looking stunning without even trying. Well, now I understand why Sergi kept her away from us. She's a fucking vision.
She has her hands in front of her, linked together, and she’s keeping her head down. She goes to the chair I vacated, and sits down, not once looking up from her lap. Selene looks at me, and then at her. I want to roll my eyes.
What does Selene expect? She told her father she’s a lesbian so, even if he doesn't believe her, she’s made the family—including Adrian—aware of her preferences.
Basil clears his throat as I lean against the wall, crossing one leg over the other while wrapping my arms over my chest, staring at Phoebe, and waiting for the shitshow.
Fuck, she's beautiful.
"Selene, as you have publicly announced you are in a relationship and have met the woman of your dreams, the marriage contract you signed is now null and void." I look toward Selene as she pales, and I want to chuckle but hold it in. I look back at Phoebe, and she hasn't moved from her position. I can feel myself already getting restless, but I try to tamp it down. I forgot to take my medication this morning. Shit, my heart racesthe longer I look at her. That's because of my missed meds, right?
Basil continues, "Because of this, we have canceled your arrangement with Alexandr."
Selene sits forward. "But Father?—"
He doesn't let her finish, raising his hand to silence her. She frowns and narrows her eyes but listens.
"An arranged marriage is still going to take place, but instead of you, it'll be your sister who will marry Alexandr Volkov." I notice Phoebe tense, but she doesn't say anything. Selene looks in her sister's direction and sneers at her, and I shake my head.She'sthe one who caused this with her lies, and yet she looks at her sister like she's at fault.
"The wedding will take place when Phoebe turns twenty-one, but the conditions are still as follows: Alexandr Volkov and Phoebe Adino are to meet as required, one day a week, chaperoned by a guard. The marriage is of convenience; therefore, love is not required. Once the contract is signed, the husband will not father any children with another woman. A child must be conceived within one year of marriage. Public displays of affection with others are prohibited. The wife-to-be is to attend every gala, all parties, and business dinners with her husband-to-be. After five years of marriage, if both parties agree, a divorce may be obtained.
“This marriage will be the anchor to an alliance between the Greek Mafia and Russian Bratva. You are to follow these rules. Do you understand Phoebe? You are now bound by Alexandr."
At each rule stated, Selene relaxes a bit more, until her father talks about the divorce. At that, she tenses again, realizing that not only do I have to stay married to her sister for five years, but Phoebe and I could also decide to stay married and, if I'm being honest, like hell will I let her divorce me.
She's fucking mine. My heart races at the thought of losing her. What the fuck? I barely know her.
Where in the fuck are these thoughts coming from?
I shake my head at my confusing thoughts. Phoebe tenses at each rule; she doesn't want this, but she hasn't got a choice. She can thank her sister for that, and so should I.
Fuck, she's mesmerizing.
Finally, she speaks for the first time, and her voice is sweet and soft. My heart aches at her words, though, and by the looks of Basil, his is torn in half.
She stands, bowing her head a little, then gives her sister a nod. Selene frowns back, narrowing her eyes, obviously pissed that Phoebe didn't fight it. Without looking at me or making eye contact with her father, Phoebe goes for the door.
With her hand is on the handle, she freezes at the sound of my voice.
"Phoebe, Friday afternoons at the Precious café on Fifth Street at 3 PM—we will meet. Understand?" My voice is void of any emotion despite my heart racing. I'll make her fall for me because I won't let her go. She half turns her head and nods, then leaves without so much as a huff.
Selene is just about to open her mouth when her father dismisses her with a wave. She glares at him, but he ignores her, and she stomps out of the office, slamming the door. I shake my head and look back at Basil when he speaks again.