But he broke it.
I pick up his phone and see his lock screen picture, and a tear leaks out. It's me at the Precious café, head down, doing my schoolwork. I quickly wipe the tears and unlock his phone, and, as another picture greets my eyes, more tears fall. We're smiling at the camera outside a concert he took me to early last year. I have pink glitter all over my hair and a massive smile, while he's holding me tightly, with a smile just as big.
Was it all a lie?
He looked happy, yet he was sleeping with my sister, so he couldn't have been.
I wipe the tears again and find Sofia's number, ignoring his messages that keep popping up, refusing to see if it's a woman. I press CALL.
It rings a couple of times before my friend, whom I've missed dearly, answers.
"Al, please tell me you've managed to fix your stupid ass fuck up and bring my daughter's favorite person home, because, if not, I'm going to kick your ass." I bite my lip to stop my laughter, before I hear Damian in the background say, "Malyshka, don't go threatening to kick my brother's ass; you're pregnant, so I'll kick it instead."
I lose it and burst out in laughter, causing Sofia to gasp.
I clear my throat. "Yeah, it's me."
I hear her sniffle, and another tear falls down my cheek, hating that I've upset her. I didn't realize she was having another baby, though I've been keeping up with her kids. Maksim is only roughly five months old.
Damian doesn't wait around before snatching the phone.
I hear a rustle at the end before he speaks, "Alexandr, what the fuck did you say to make my wife cry?" he growls, and I giggle.
"Sorry, Damian, not Alex."
I hear him sigh in relief, and then say, "I'll go get her ice cream." My mouth drops open, jealous that she gets ice cream like our usual routine for girl chats, and I don't, because I haven't been to the store. I pout until the door to my room opens, and Alex comes in with some chocolate and vanilla ice cream. My tears fall again.
Fuck sake, where's my kill-bitch exterior gone?
Alex smiles and leans down before he wipes the tears away, then hands me the tub with a spoon, kisses my forehead again, and leaves. I hear Sofia chuckle when I sniffle.
"I'm guessing a certain brother-in-law gave you ice cream, too."
I chuckle. "Of course, he did; the men know we like to talk while drunk on creamy goodness, although I didn't even have any in the freezer, so God knows how he got it here."
She chuckles. "How are you, friend?" she asks softly, and my dam breaks for the first time since I left. I burst into tears, sobs wracking from my body, my heartbreak screaming from my body.
I hear Sofia sniffle. "Let it all out, darling."
And I do.
I can hear Alex on the other side of my door, and I think he banged his head on it in frustration, but I can't be sure. My whole body shakes with sobs as I cry uncontrollably, all while Sofia tries to soothe me. When I finally calm down, she brings out my laughter.
"Well, despite the Angel of Death title and the stone-cold bitch face you’ve had these days, at least you didn't wait three years to have your breakdown." She laughs with me.
I'm quiet for a moment, before I finally talk to my friend, someone who knows what it feels like to be destroyed by a Volkov.
"I don't know what to do," I whisper. "He wants me to give him a year, but I don't think I can do it, but I know I'm bound by him, too. He hurt me badly, so how can I go against my beliefs and not look like an idiot for even thinking of giving it a chance again after what he's done?" A small sob escapes.
She whispers, "I know what he did was a complete fuckup, believe me, I know more than others. I struggled with what Damian did, and I didn't want to try again because of my pride and my heart, too."
I sniffle again and stab my ice cream. "Then how did you do it? How did you learn to forgive him? Was it because of Mila?" I have always wondered how she could take him back after what he did—I mean, seriously, he slept with her cousin.
She sighs. "I've always loved Damian, even when I shouldn't have. He was and is my best friend. When he found me, I was adamant he would only have access to Mila; he hurt me severely, but so did the rest of my family. It took everything I am, plus the encouragement of Adam, Bruce, and April to even give Damian a chance. Then there was the counseling."
I sniffle again as I take in some more ice cream goodness.