Page 15 of Bound By You

I can feel my rage start to flow again.

"And where is your informant?" I demand coldly, not wanting to discuss Phoebe and the men she's been with. Again, I know it's hypocritical, but I don't fucking care. Christian frowns, realizing his informant is not here yet.

Suddenly, a huge crash shakes the room as glass from the roof comes crumbling down. We all jump back as someone drops down. I pull my gun simultaneously with everyone else, ready to fire, until I see who came crashing down.

Wearing black leather pants and a matching leather crop top, showing a tattoo on her collarbone, biker boots on her feet, her hair down in waves with pink highlights, and looking even more beautiful than the first day I met her is my girl. Fuck, my heart beats erratically in my chest as Selene gasps and Basil chokes in shock.


But she doesn't pay them attention; she focuses solely on me. She tilts her head to the side, her bright green eyes calculating, and then she smirks as we all stand there staring at her with our mouths hanging open.

Finally, I hear her sweet voice again, but instead of loving, it's cold, void of emotion.

"Geia sou, agápi mou, missed me?" Her father and Selene suck in a breath, obviously knowing what she was saying, but yet again, I didn't learn her fucking language as she did mine. My brother clears his throat, and I look at him, his eyes wide, looking into mine while Sergi tenses at her words. They understood what she said, too, fuck.

She gets my attention again, and my heart stops at her next words, showing how stupid I am for not realizing she clearly kept an eye on everyone, including me.

"How's Candy today? Still tucked in nice and cozy in the hotel room you bought her in Russo's hotel. Or did you drop her off at work where you like to fuck her regularly?" She smirks, and I can't breathe. Who is this woman? Christian laughs, now out of his stupor, taking her attention off of me. Damian places a hand on my shoulder as the guilt I suppressed over having a mistress begins to fire up inside me, and followed closely behind is the horrible realization that the feelings I thought I felt for Candy are non-existent.

She was something to pass the time. Pain shoots through me as I mutter, "Fuck," while Damian squeezes my shoulder again, knowing I've realized what he's known for months now…because he's been there.

I've literally dug my own grave. And Phoebe is waiting to bury me in it.



I'm walkingdown the steps from my general chemistry laboratory class when I bump into Abby. She's grinning madly at me, and I raise a brow at her.

"Sorry, it's just, right now, you're that quiet, shy girl, but when we get home, you're going to turn into this badass bitch in leather. I just love the transformation." She smirks, and I try to match her giddiness but just can't.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ungrateful for all I've learned from my grandmother and uncle, but sometimes I wish I was still that naïve little girl, who didn't know evil in the world exists, and her mother still puts her to bed.

"I never used to be like this, Abs. Iwasthat quiet, shy girl until I lived with Athena." Abby gives me a sad smile.

"I know, but think of it this way, if you weren't this badass bitch, then what happened a few months ago would have been worse."

I smile at her, giving her a side hug, and then drag her toward my car to stop this conversation. Her nightmares return whenshe talks about them, and I'm not going to be there tonight to help her through them.

I have twenty-four hours to reach my destination and scope it out without being seen. My uncle supplied a plane for me and made sure my Harley Davidson is waiting for me at the airstrip. I only kept the Buick to keep up the pretenses.

Abby and I get home half an hour later, and I go pack. I don't have classes tomorrow, so it's not too bad, but Abby will stay behind because it's too dangerous. I won't risk her. She comes into my room, helps me pack a bag, and takes it out to my car.

She gives me a tight hug and says, "Go kick some ass."

I chuckle, get into my car, and head to my uncle's plane, just outside of town, on an old airstrip that hasn't been used in years.

Five and a half hours later, we're landing in New York. Once business here is done, I'll be home in California for a few days, and then I'll have to return New York to fulfill the contract Uncle gave me last week. I just want to have some fun first. I smirk.

I get off the plane, strap my bag to the back of my bike, and check my watch. It’s 11 PM. The meeting is tomorrow afternoon. Oliver was shitting himself when he told me. I shake my head. What the fuck was I thinking, letting someone like that take my virginity? Fucking glad I didn't.

I power up my baby and rev her with a grin on my face. I've missed my bike. I only use it for missions. She's matte black, has dark purple shadow painted on the tank, and it matches my personality; dark with color hidden on the inside.

I speed away from the hangar, and head to my uncle's house in Brooklyn. Colin will meet me there.

Forty minutes later, I'm pulling up to the iron gates, and the guard lets me in. Colin is waiting for me by the steps. I grin when I see him, and, instead of a bear hug like I usually get, he tells me off like I'm ten years old again, making me chuckle.

"Where is your helmet,ángelos?" He has a scowl on his face, his dark brown eyes full of worry.