Page 7 of Fateful Exposure

Alright. This madness had gone on for too long. "Maria? Can I talk to you for a minute?" It was his stupid smirk directed at me that made me scowl. "Alone."

Without waiting for a response, I stalked toward the window, away from my mahogany arched desk, where that asshole was choking up the place with his dickhead aura. Maria's heels clicked loudly on the floor as she approached behind me.

"When you said you were bringing me a photographer, you didn't tell me he would be an asshole too." There was an urgency in my voice that betrayed my calm exterior. I risked a glance at said asshole, growling when I saw he was seated in my chair; his eyes trained on me. He gave me a tight-lipped smile and a wave. I growled deeper.

"Just give Ash a chance, Selly. I swear he's not as bad as you think."

I dragged my gaze back to her. "No. He just has a giant dick attitude."

Her eyes were pleading. "You really need this. Besides hisgiant dick attitude, he's the right person for the job."

I sighed audibly, pressing a hand to my forehead. "Maria, for the love of God."

"Plus, he's going to do it for free."

That made me pause.Free? Okay. So maybe he isn't that annoying.

And if he was, who cared? It was nothing I couldn't handle—a small price to pay for greatness.

However, Ashton McCall didn't look like someone who would work for free. I watched him for a second. His leather jacket was expensive—I knew that because I'd gotten a similar one for Alex for his birthday four years ago—and his Rolex was a different type from before, though still expensive. Leather Derby shoes decorated his feet which were now fucking propped up on my desk. That desk cost me a fortune.

Nope.I would kill him before we even started. Free work be damned.

My sigh spoke of great anguish. "Anyone but him, Maria. Please."

"Have you gotten a response from any other photographers you've emailed?"

I narrowed my eyes. "How do you know I've been emailing photographers?"

She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips, shooting out a hip. "I know you, Selly. Listen, Ash owes me. He's my friend and agreed to help me, thus helping you."

"Did you hear what he said earlier? He's not interested."

"Yes, he is. He's just being Ash."

I furrowed my brows at her. "What does that mean?"

"He's an asshole."

I shrugged, agreeing with her. She was also right about my needing this. After our conversation a few days ago, I'd googled him, and saying I was impressed would be an understatement. He'd come onto the scene around the same time I left three years ago, which was why I didn't know about him. Alex and Iris's betrayal had cut so deep that I had stayed away from anything that would remind me of my predicament, which meant going off social media and rejecting magazines.

Ashton McCall was a real dick, no doubt. And it was even worse that I had slept with him. But really, who would be the loser if I rejected him? Maria was pretty convinced this was pro bono work on his end, and it was uncertain whether I would find a professional photographer worth his salt who would agree to work for what I could pay.

And honestly, why look a gift horse in the mouth?

I crossed my arms under my breasts, fighting the urge to sneak a glance at him. I might regret this, but I had no choice. Besides, there were upsides to the recent development. Now that I didn't have to pay for a photographer, the designated money could go into the next critical challenge.

"So?" Maria's impatient voice returned my attention to her. "Are you doing this or not?"

I exhaled. "I guess. It's not like I have a choice."

"I know, right? You're welcome." She rolled her eyes, which made me chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Maria. I really appreciate your help. It's just that I didn't expect to have the man I had a one-night stand with show up as my new photographer."

She leaned in, acute curiosity swirling in her eyes. "About that…What the fuck, Selma? You had a one-night stand?"

I shrugged. "It just happened." Even I was surprised. For the first few days after that, I wondered if it was one of those times when my audaciousness would lead to my downfall. I'd known the risks involved, and while I'd had the forethought to don a disguise, there was only so much heavy-eyed makeup, and a brown wig could do.