My orgasm hit me like a punch in the gut. The earth stuttered on its axis, and everything cut to white light as trails of fire exploded inside me. I held my breath, scared that even something as little as breathing could send me into oblivion.
"Holy fuck," I vaguely heard Ashton mutter, but I couldn't respond because I was too busy riding the waves of pleasure to come up to shore.
"I've never met anyone so…receptive," he said.
I opened my eyes halfway to see Ashton staring down at me in wonder as if he was seeing me for the first time. On theother hand, I felt like I was seeing for the first time. Having an orgasm was a wondrous fucking experience. And if it was the kind that knocked the breath out of your lungs like the one I just experienced, then rest assured you come out every single fucking time feeling like a brand-new person.
"And you’re wearing far too many clothes," I meowed, beckoning him to take them off.
Chuckling, he pushed backward so he was kneeling between my legs. "You want my cock, don't you, you needy little thing?"
Licking my lips, I nodded, my eyes trained on his engorged crotch. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his sweatpants, he pulled them down in one quick motion. His hardened erection sprung out proudly, staring at me as if daring me to come close.
We'd been so caught up in a delirious haze that night that I hadn't thought to stop and look at him. Now, however, he stood to his full height in his birthday suit, throwing the sweatpants off his legs and tossing them to the side.
I looked at him now, my mouth watering. He was all fucking muscle. No extra flesh. Hard, toned muscles all fucking through. I sucked in a breath, my gaze lingering on the organ sticking out between his legs. It was…big, for lack of a better word. Angry green veins like thin straws danced around the length. The head was a dark pinkish color, and a tiny bead of liquid formed on the thin opening. Without giving it a second thought, I went on my knees and licked it.
Ashton hissed, fisting his hands by his sides. "Peaches, I strongly advise against that."
I smiled up at him from under my lashes. "You know, I don't have a gag reflex."
One of his brows shot up. "You don't say. Words are nothing unless backed up by actions."
At that, I gripped him by the base and took him into my mouth until he hit the back of my throat. The sound that escaped his lips was like fuel to my fire, egging me to draw back until only his crown was in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it, looking up to see his eyes blazing as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
In all honesty, he looked fucking high. And I loved it. I loved that I had the power to make him feel that way.
Then he sunk his hand in my hair and pushed me back so that I was lying on my stomach. "That's enough," he panted. "I need to be inside you now."
In a matter of seconds, Ashton was on top of me, pushing his body upward until his cock teased at my opening. My hand grabbed his bicep, causing him to meet my eyes.
"Condoms," I said weakly.
He snorted. "What am I going to do? Get you pregnant again?"
Touche."Right. I meant…have you been with anyone since then?" Asking such a ridiculous question made me feel stupid because it seemed like I was jealous or something. And I wasn't. Not even close.
Ashton smirked as if he could read my mind. "Fishing for information, are you? Jealous?"
I rolled my eyes. "You wish."
He leaned down to lick my lips, and I bit back a moan. "What if I am?"
"That's your problem. Not mine." He kissed me, and I opened my mouth for his tongue to slip in. The topic of the discussion was almost inconsequential.
"Fair enough," he murmured when he pulled away. Really, with the way liquid fire burned between us, I was surprised we weren't already fucking the brains out of each other.
"To answer your question, no, I haven't been with anyone else since that night. Kinda hard to fuck someone else when I can't stop thinking about you."
I held his gaze, feeling a warmth explode somewhere inside my chest. Every single warning bell in my head was ringing at an alarming rate for me to get up and walk away at the sudden wave of intimacy, but because I never listened to common sense, I lay there and gazed up at him, fighting the urge to blush. I was a dumbass.
When I didn't respond, he asked, "Have you been with anyone?"
I shook my head because I didn't trust myself to not go off about how I hadn't been able to stop thinking about fucking him too.
"Good." Ashton stroked my slit with the tip of his cock. "Because you're not allowed to fuck anyone else. Ever."
I raised a brow, about to tell him to shove his entitlement up his ass, but he suddenly entered me, cutting me off.