Page 24 of Fateful Exposure

My work line rang, and I snapped back to reality, picking it up. "Speak."

"Miss Volkov, you wanted to know if Mr. McCall came in today," Rose said.

My stupid heart picked up a beat. "Yes, I did."

"I was just informed that he's headed to the studio."

Of course. Where else would he be headed?Certainly not my office.

"Please bring me the new prototypes. Thank you, Rose."

I blew out a breath just before wondering why the fuck I was suddenly jittery at the thought of seeing Ashton again. A little voice at the back of my head whispered that it might be because the last time he and I were together, we'd been one secondaway from ripping each other's clothes off and making the same mistake that had led us into this quandary in the first place.

What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I letting such an arrogant asshole get under my skin? Couldn't I see that was his plan? To rile me up? I had no doubt he viewed this as a battle, completely forgetting that there was only one outcome, only one winner. And that would be me.

I squared my shoulders and cracked my knuckles. I would make him see that, even if it was the last thing I did.

Getting to my feet, I grabbed my iPad and went to the studio. A few years ago, I had my studio specially designed and equipped for in-house photographs, and after my office and the dressmakers' room, it was my favorite place in the entire building.

When I got there, the door was slightly ajar. I slowed when I heard a distinct boom of male laughter. The sound spread a delicious shiver around my body, which quickly disappeared when a familiar female voice spoke. Curiosity ate at me. I neared the door so I could peep in, and my breath hitched when I saw Ashton laughing with Maria, who had her arm resting on his bicep. She, too, bent over in laughter.

It was an…oddly agitating sight. Why the fuck were they cackling with laughter like little headless chickens? And why did it vex me so much? It was obviously because Ashton had work to do, and he was here shamelessly flirting with Maria. Speaking of which, why the hell was she here?

Oh, right.She was here to help. I stepped back two paces, staring at the door, my mouth suddenly dry. No, seriously, what the hell was going on with me? Why on earth was Ashton laughing with Maria pissing me off?

It has to be the hormones.I nodded. It had to be.

"Miss Volkov,” a voice said.

I jerked in shock, blinking. "Huh?" I turned around to see Rose and my interns behind me.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Of course." I nodded, plastering a small smile. "Why wouldn't it be?"

Without waiting for a response, I opened the door fully. The laughing stopped the second I entered as both sets of eyes turned to me. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, I smoothed my hands down my vintage, long-sleeved, red, velvet evening dress, one of my personal designs. There was only one like it in the entire world, and I was wearing it. Four years ago, I refused to sell it or even make another original for a British duchess.

"Selly, you look amazing", Maria cooed, walking to me in six-inch heels for a hug. I kissed her cheek, trying to sprinkle in a little enthusiasm, or she would see through me. "BTDubs, I'm stealing that dress the first opportunity I get."

"Thank you. I didn't know you were here."

She hooked her arm through mine, leading me toward Ashton. "Ash and I arrived together. We had lunch."

"Lunch," I repeated flatly.

They were having lunch?I almost snorted.Whatever.

"Mhmm," Maria nodded. "And because I can't go through what I went through a few days ago, I brought an actual model this time for the shoot. Do you have the prototype yet?"

I was just noticing the model for the first time sitting in a corner, typing away at her phone screen. I didn't recognize her, so she must not be so popular, but then again, I didn't know who Ashton was either. He was as popular as professional photographers got these days.

"Thank you," I said to her. "And I'm sorry about the other day. I was in a terrible place and took it out on you."

Before Maria could reply, a snort was released from somewhere in front of us. No, not somewhere. Someone. Someone who had not looked me in the eye since Maria and I began talking. Was he ignoring me? It was laughable, really, given that he was cozying up to my best friend.


"Alright," Maria released my arm to clap her hands. "Let's do this."