I slipped out of my chair and walked to the window. Cars honked, and the streets bustled with energy. New York was my favorite place in the world. It was why I'd moved here permanently to start my life. It was more than a place; beyond the glitz and glamor lay a city with a soul as gritty as its streets.
For the longest time, I'd wondered what about me made Alex do what he did. What made him find succor in Iris. I'd given him everything: my soul, my body, even my fucking money. And I'd had it all. My name was on the tip of every tongue in the fashion industry, and at every major event in the world, someone was wearing my design. Volkov had been the most successful fashion brand on this side of the globe. What more had he wanted?
It made me wonder: How long had he been planning to dupe me? How long had they been together before I found out?
It’d taken my mother a long time to convince me that Alex was nothing but a two-faced cunt and that he didn't deserve a second of my time, let alone my tears. It had taken me twice as long to believe it. When I finally did, all I wanted to do was design.
But those designs would be useless sitting on my desk if nobody was going to wear them, as my mother had so eloquently pointed out. I needed to get back to work.
It was my holy grail. How could I make such a drastic comeback after being away for so long? I needed help, and thankfully, Maria was more than willing to assist. I'd been against accepting help from her until she very correctly pointed out that she was probably the only one in my corner with the resources to help me, and I would be a dumbass to refuse. Her connections would do much to break me into the fashion scene again, and my new line would ensure I stayed there. Permanently, this time. I was dedicated to ensuring nobody made a fool of me again.
And that involved any man sniffing around me under the guise of love. I was done with men and their lies.
The search for a photographer who would bring my new designs to life was a tough one. As I'd told Maria last week, I couldn't afford to hire one without vision, nor could I afford to hire one who was too expensive.
I was at an impasse. Expensive photographers were expensive for a reason. Where would I find one with all the qualities I was looking for without the cutthroat work rate?
Coming back had been a difficult decision, and everything, including my future, was riding on this. There was no room for mistakes. I only had the support of my mother and Maria, but unless they were professionally trained photographers, they were pretty much useless to me.
"Sweetheart, you have to call me more often. I haven't heard from you in so long,” my mother complained.
I rolled my eyes at her theatrics, holding the phone to my ear between my shoulder and chin as I composed yet another email to yet another photographer I found on Instagram. He looked expensive but his work was great, and I only wanted great.
"We spoke yesterday, Mama."
"We did?" She actually managed to sound confused. "Hmm. Why don't I remember that?"
I smiled. "Don't be coy, Mama. I've been swamped, but I was going to drop by sometime this week." I heard something in the background that sounded similar to an oven. "Are you baking those chocolate chip cookies again? Save me some. You know I love your pastries."
"Sure thing, sweetheart. Or maybe I could bring some to you. They're very hot and would still be warm by the time I arrived."
My mother had been trying too hard to get me to invite her to my office—"to ensure everything was going well”, as she said. I secretly knew she only wanted to check up on me. I spent all my time in the office trying to get things in order, and she missed me and worried I was working too hard.
I clicked send and leaned back, staring at the email. "I'm good, Mama. I already ate. Gotta go. I'll talk to you later."
I cut the call before she could argue any further. My mother was relentless, but I loved her all the same.
Sighing, I hoped I would get a response. In the past, I hadn't had to worry about people ignoring my emails. I never even had to send them. Everyone wanted to work with me. I’d been the one doing the rejecting. Fuck Alex and that conniving bitch. I hoped they burned in hell.
A knock sounded on my door. I straightened and opened my mouth to let whoever it was in, but the door was already opening, and Maria entered.
I gave her a look. "Give me a heads-up next—"
The words got stuck in my throat. An eerie feeling—I decided it was dread—crawled up the base of my spine, and my heart thundered in my chest.
No. It can’t be. It just can’t.
His gaze was equally fixed on me, but unlike the fear that spread through me, his eyes only showed shock.
Shit.He recognized me.
"Hey, babes." Maria, unaware of my internal struggle, walked further in toward me. "I know I should've called, but this was last minute. I finally got Ash to agree—"