Making this right.

“Dan,” I said, making him stop trying to push me away.

He raised his eyes at me.

“I’m here, aren’t I?” I said, the words like a stubborn, bitter admission.

I couldn’t look away from him.

He looked back at me for a long second, something going through his expression before his eyes fell, then said:

“Fuck me.”

My breath froze in my lungs. “What?”

“I said I want you to fuck me.” He looked back up at me. “I want it. Unless– unlessyoudon't–”

I put a finger on his lips.

We gazed at each other for a silent beat.

My stomach turned into knots, tension thrumming between us as I was overcome by this overwhelming sensation that could only be calledneedandwant.


“Let’s go.”


Dan James

We walked hometogether, my heart racing inside my chest. We’d barely managed to say a brief goodbye to our friends before we were out the door, and as soon as we made it into the apartment, we were on each other, desperate, my lips on his before the door was even closed.

Seeing Andy with that stranger,Miriam, according to Nina, had ignited something in my blood, something vicious, nasty,possessive, and it was still coursing through my veins as we made it into my bedroom, Andy shoving me to my bed, the move making me instantly hard, becausefuck, Ilovedwhen he was a little rough with me.

He was instantly on top of me, his weight pressing against me in the most delicious way possible, and as he kissed me and roughly tried to tear out my clothes, I wanted to wipe from my mind all of the images of him with her, withanyonethat wasn’t me. There was this aching feeling in my chest, a hollow hurt in my gut, and as much as I tried not to put meaning to it, it threatened to swallow me whole.

Once we had our shirts off and we were kissing ravenously, chest to chest, Andy started pulling down my pants, my cock popping out, hard and with a pearly bead already at the tip. Andy took his own pants off, our socks forgotten by the door with our shoes, and started giving me steady strokes, making my toes curland my breath hitch, until he pulled slightly back and stared into my eyes in the low lighting filtering in from the street.

There were more shadows than anything else in the room, but I could still perfectly make out the line of Andy’s nose, of his brows, his strong jaw, and what little light made it into the room made his eyes shine just enough for me to feel their intensity.

My breath was coming in short as one of his fingers started sneaking to my entrance and it hitched once I felt him in my rim.

“Nervous?” he asked, voice at once rough like gravel and soft like silk.

My chest fluttered with a million emotions, and before I could manage to say I wasn’t, he tightened his grip on me, making me gasp.

“Nolying, you brat.”

My gut tightened. “A little.”

All throughout the week, I’d been thinking about this. Ever since I’d found out how good he felt in my mouth I’d started wondering what he’d feel like elsewhere, and the images had kept coming in every time Andy pressed himself to my back, his hips fitting perfectly against my ass.

Every time he’d come close to touching my entrance, it was like tiny sparks of fire went off inside me, but the nervousness was still there, not just because I’d never done this before, but because it felt like it would be a step I wouldn’t be able to come back from. It felt like it would be too intimate, and with how weird my brain had been getting about the increasing fake intimacy between us, I hadn’t wanted to rock the boat.

But this hollow feeling in my chest–I neededsomething, something to push it away, and I wanted Andy inside me so badly I could explode.

“We can go slow,” Andy said, but I was already ready to refute him.