“Right. So you mean you're not sleeping with the guy that you called the grumpiest, most stuck-up and irritating accountant of all time?”

That has beenonce, and Travis had found me in a moment of weakness, during the week that Dan and I had been pretending that we didn't want to suck each other’s brains out of our cocks, and I’d regretted it ever since.

I’d regretted it because I’d had the sinking suspicion that it would come back to bite me in the ass, and lo and behold, here it was.

Biting me.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” I still said, thankful that the supplies were still with me, which meant that I could busy myself and not look at him.

But of course, it didn't work.

Travis closed the distance between us, taking hold of my shoulder and turning me around so we were forced to stare at each other.

“Look at me in the eye and lie to me, I dare you.”

I bit the inside of my cheek.

The asshole was playing dirty.

I'd never once felt intimidated by his bad boy stare, the intimidating boxer glare that made you want to give up the fight before it had even started, but right now, I was sweating, and I had been going through a week of fucking Dan’s brains out, feeling all sorts of weird things that I didn’t want to look too closely at, and I just needed anout.

“So what if I am?” I asked, jaw set, unwilling to show weakness. “Are you going to spank me because I've been bad?”

Travis raised a dark eyebrow before he grinned. “If that's your kink, you should tell him, not me.”

“Then why are you so interested?”

Travis shrugged, finally putting some distance between us. “I just had a hunch, and wanted to be proven right.”

I glared in his direction. “You're not going to tell me that I'm making a mistake?”

“I mean, it's just a hookup, right? Dan might be the one making the mistake, but he's not my best friend, he already has one of those, so no need to get into that. I just thought you might want to know you’re as subtle as a neon sign, so if you want to keep your little slip in the down low, you should get that eye-fucking in check.”

For some reason, my gut tightened. “Thank you for the notes.”

Travis smirked, as if he could see the reaction that had on me. “You're welcome, and one last thing. Enjoy it while it lasts, he's going to be moving on from this soon, right? Two months. Better make the best of it.”

That day, I left the gym feeling like a storm cloud, and since it just so happened to be Friday, that meant that it was going-out day, experiment day, Dan-letting-loose day, and so we found ourselves again at the bar, surrounded by my friends, by a crowd of people all cheerful and having fun, and for once, I was the moody figure in all this, not even trying to fight it.

I did try my best to keep it to myself, though, but at one point things got just too much, and so I stole Dan away mid-conversation, and pushed him into what we had dubbed as our stall to kiss him stupid.

Dan allowed himself to be kissed, kissing back with almost as much intensity, which made my insides tingle andthatirritated me further, and we kept going until we had to catch a break to actually breathe, because I was taking no prisoners tonight.

“Someone's in a mood, huh?” Dan asked, breathing roughly against me.

“Are you complaining?” I asked, nibbling on his neck. I felt like a fucking vampire when he was around, and I didn't even have the strength to stop myself. After a beat, though, I confessed, “I just fought with Travis.”

Kind of a lie, but it felt like the truth.

At least, I’d been pissed off at his intervention all afternoon.

“What about?” Dan asked, tightening his grip on the back of my hair. He was holding on to me, letting me have my way, and it did something to me, made my gut tighten and my heart squeeze with stupid longing.

“He was just being an asshole,” I said, holding him tighter against me.

“Guess it comes with the territory, right? Like attracts like.”

I bit him in retaliation, and he let out a low chuckle, one that vibrated all through me. We weren't even doing anything, only holding on to each other and making out, and yet it felt like everything, even if I didn't want it to.