He only sat there like a looming presence, an unhappy threat.

Not happy to see me? Well, he could join the club.

“We’ve seen each other around,” I said, smiling only for her benefit.

“I thought so,” she said, lips ticking up.

Well, maybe she wasn’t so innocent.

Apparently, this charity thing was starting this week already, so most spots were already taken with people assigned to them.

There was only one spot left that needed filling, and it just so happened to be withTravis.

He listened to all of this silently, sitting beside Layla, wearing a charcoal t-shirt with wide armholes, openly showing his impressive boxer muscles.

Out of all people, why did I have to be attracted tohim? I would be fine being bi. Buthim?

This might be what self-destructive looks like.

“My brother told me your rivalry wasn’t really real, so I thought this might be an interesting experiment,” Layla said looking at him.


This pretty dimpled girl was Travis’s sister?

For some reason, I found it hard to believe.

Except they had the exact same coloring, and there was a slight sharpness in her eyes that reminded me of a certain person.

My brain immediately went to the second part of the statement, though.

Had Travis been talking about me?With his sister?

I felt a small nervous flutter in my stomach, and I gripped the edge of the table in an attempt to ground myself.

The boxer was rolling his eyes, glaring sightlessly at some unfortunate soul in the cafe, while I was having this small mental breakdown. “You and your fucking experiments, Layla. We’re not your little lab rats.”

“No, but Scott here happens to be very popular, and with all these fake rumors going on…Well, what better way to prove everyone wrong than by selling cupcakes together for a good cause?”

This wasn’t freaking happening. My heart was thudding inside my chest. I felt like they would be able to hear it at any moment, and I prayed to God that a flush wouldn’t rise up my cheeks.

Layla turned to me with a slightly mischievous smile, dark ponytail shifting. “What do you think, Scott?”

I think not.

This was a terrible idea. Just being here, in this cafe, sharing a table with Travis, made me want to bolt and run away as far as I could.

Travis knew about me.

He knew the things I wanted.

And the way he’d talked to me, blunt and shameless, about me falling to my knees and taking his cock…

They don’t see the way you look at me.

I was too ashamed to admit that I’d almost done it.

A part of me had wanted it.