We were breaking the rules. We had been for some time. Our hookup situation had never been meant to feel like this—larger than life, all-consuming. The thought of it ending shouldn’t have filled me with dread.
And it was why I avoided thinking about what it all meant at all costs, and instead dove straight into the danger zone.
Saturday afternoon finally came, though, and seeing Scott on the other side of my apartment door made it feel all worth it.
Only he wasn’t alone.
His friends were there. Eliot and Antony, who came accompanied by Dan and Jonathan.
“I thought you said only your friends?”
Scott shrugged as the four intruders came into the apartment. Andy started laughing when he saw them, shaking his head.
“Jonathan wasn’t happy that he didn’t get to spend the night with Eliot, and Dan invited himself along.”
Jonathan was Eliot’s boyfriend, and Dan was Eliot’s brother as well as Jonathan’s best friend.
What a shit show.
In any case, I took it in stride and forgot all about it when I gave in to temptation and reached for Scott, tugging him to me and kissing him deeply like I’d been thinking about all day. Scott met my kiss with equal fervor, and as soon as we broke it, I noticed five onlookers staring at us.
They all immediately turned around at my raised eyebrow, and for once I was thankful for my intimidating looks. Only it didn’t work on Eliot, who kept staring at us with a grin until his boyfriend got his hand on Eliot’s nape and turned him away from us.
Scott chuckled lightly beside me.
“You’ll regret allowing us to come over,” he said, looking a bit shy, but something a lot like hope glimmered in his blue eyes.
“I won’t.”
One last kiss and we made our way to the living room.
Brief introductions were made even though I was sure we all knew each other here. Jonathan and Dan were seniors like Andy and me, and of course I knew Scott’s friends’ names and faces from hearing Scott mention them. Actually getting to interact with them would be interesting, and from their entrance alone, I already knew we were in for a show.
They came in with pizzas andfucking Jenga,of all things.
I went to get the drinks we’d bought in advance for the night and, lo and behold, Eliot and Antony invited themselves to come with me.
“Dan, keep Scott there, will you?” Eliot said loudly.
Subtlety wasn’t his strength, that was for sure.
Scott was wide-eyed as I went to the kitchen, shaking my head with restrained laughter.
I opened the fridge to get the sodas and water, but then closed it. Better do it after.
Leaning my back against it, I stared the two guys down.
They were shorter than me and slimmer. They also weren’t menacing boxers, which made them squirm momentarily before they remembered themselves.
I would have laughed, but I didn’t want to undermine their valiant efforts this fast.
“You have anything to say, boys?”
Eliot bristled.
“Yes, several things, in fact.”
“Is this an intervention?”