Chapter 14
Adrive-in movie.That had been my brilliant idea. The huge screen was the only illumination around here, highlighting the edges of dozens of cars, only letting us see glimpses of the people inside.
Which was why this was perfect.
Scott was sitting beside me, eating a chicken wrap and pretending to pay attention to the scene, but really, I knew he was just as aware of me as I was of him.
It was cute that he wanted to act like he wasn’t infatuated—and I guessed I wasn’t much better— but I had a hand stubbornly stuck to his leg while I ate my own food with the left one. I could feel him squirm from time to time.
And because I couldn’t resist, I reached out with said hand for his wrist, bringing his wrap to my mouth without much resistance, and taking a huge bite.
Theoutrageon his face.
He was so fucking precious.
“You’re eating the samething,” Scott said, sending me the softest glare ever.
It could be argued that he had a different sauce than mine did. But the truth was, that didn’t matter to me.
“It just tastes better when you steal it.” I offered him mine with raised eyebrows. “Want some?”
Looking defiant, Scott reached out for mine, taking a bitestilllooking at me.
Some sauce was left on his lips, so of course, I had to hold him by the nape and lick it off him. Scott shuddered in response.
He turned as if to kiss me but I pulled back quickly, a wicked smile on my lips.
Nowhe harrumphed.
Angry kitten.
“Do you do this often?” Scott asked, taking a defiant bite of his wrap.
“Steal food from people?”
“Go to drive-in movies.”
I shrugged. “I used to when I was younger. Not so much anymore.”
“I was kind of surprised when you offered,” Scott said a bit hesitantly. Even with the low light, I could tell there was a hint of pink to his ears.Jesus, he was fucking edible. From his perfect blond locks framing those pretty blue eyes, the line of his neck, his lean strong shoulders. Scott was gorgeous. And he was even more so because ofwhohe was inside.
I wanted to say something else, but his phone vibrated, screen lighting up in the middle of us with the worst name on the planet.
Mark Jacobson.
The text asked if he wanted to hang out.
“Have you met up with Mark again?” I asked. Did I sound a little territorial? Because it definitely felt like it.
“No.” Scott turned the phone screen away without answering. “After your very convincing speech, I thought it would be best if I didn’t. Not to mention the whole standing him up thing.”
Not to mention that Mark offered afucking threesometo him.
Thinking about it made me a little sick. It also made me want to punch something.
It would be good to remember while boxing.