“Like what?”
“Like you’ll bark at her if she looks at me the wrong way.”
His lips ticked. “I don’t like people looking—or touching—my things.”
More warmth coiled inside me. “I’m your thing now?”
His eyes were intense as they held mine. It was like he was holding my head in his hands from across the table. “You are as long as I’m fucking you. And as long as you’re with me, I’m yours.”
This was a little fucked up.
My cock stirred.
Before I could say anything to that, he said, “Since we’re here with nothing to do, we might as well make some small talk—tell me about your fantasies.”
My heart stuttered. “What? Here?”I whisper-shouted.
“Yes, here.” Travis hid a smile behind his hands as he laced them together in front of his mouth. “Right now.”
Jesus.This was going to go south fast.
“What do you want to know?” I still asked.
I’d mentioned having them a few times, but never had gone deep into them. A part of me was still reluctant to talk about them, especially after trying to hide them and repress them for so long, but when Travis was involved, I felt a little braver. Bolder. Willing to try.
“What are they about?”
I thought about the phrasing for a moment. Was I really going to say this? I almost wanted to change the subject, but the calm look in Travis’s eyes—steady, solid, like he was unshakeable, gave me enough confidence to say it. “They’re…well. Kind of dark. I like to imagine rough handling and being under someone’s weight.” I didn’t dare say more.
He listened to all of this calmly, like there was nothing weird about it, and it made it a bit easier when he nodded. “And what do you think about now? When you jerk off?”
Was he trying to get validation or something here? But no, he looked genuine. My cheeks heated as I said, “Now it’s mostly you. Just doing those things to me.”
Travis’s gray-eyed stare seemed to darken, a satisfied expression on his face.
In one swift movement, he was out his side of the booth and sliding into mine.
“What are you doing?” I asked, heart starting to race.
“Keep talking. Describe exactly what you imagine me doing,” he said.
We were in a corner of the diner, partially secluded. We were now both facing a wall, and no one was in the booth directly behind us. I was thankful for the small in-between separators, giving us an extra layer of privacy.
Because from the way his hand drifted to my zipper, we were going to need it.
“Are you insane?”I asked, even as I was getting more and more turned on.
“Just tell me to stop if you don’t want to,” Travis said with a small grin.
He knew I didn’t want to tell him to stop.
My hitching breath betrayed me.
“Talk,” he ordered into my ear as he unzipped me and gripped my thickening length.
“I imagine…” I swallowed, throat feeling thick. “I imagine you, pushing me to the bed, tearing my clothes off.”