Loving Travis Ashford was a hard and frustrating affair, but one Layla never gave up on.

Before she closed the door, though, she said, “You could ask yourfriendScott, you know. I’m sure he could give you ideas.”

My heart started beating wildly in my chest, irrationally worried that she’d been able to read the thoughts on my face. “He’s not myfriend.”

“Of coursenot.” She sent me the fakest angelic smile known to man. “See ya!”

* * *

“What do you get out of…you know…dominating?”


We were in the truck. There was a lull between customers, no one passing our area right now, and my front was plastered to Scott’s back. I had him pressed against the sink, something that had become a bit of a thing between us, and I was running my hands under his t-shirt, over his taut stomach, while I nipped at the flesh behind his ears. I had become more than a little obsessed with the scent of his hair, the tickling feeling as I buried my nose in it, and the way Scott shivered when I touched him like this. When I bit his earlobe or his neck.

I loved cataloging every little reaction that he had. Even more so now, because he had actuallyconfessed to methat he liked when I initiated. Scott had had a hard time talking about his submissive desires and what he wanted, but he was starting to let go of the fiercely gripped control and letting me see what he felt. What he wanted.

And I indulged.

Thinking about it made a curl of now-familiar possessiveness bloom in my chest, making me tighten my hold against him slightly, to which he responded by pushing his ass against my crotch.


“What do you like about it?” Scott asked again.

What did I like about dominating him?

“Well, I like to see you writhe, for a start.” I tickled him a bit and he didjust that, groaning when I held on to him and didn’t let him move, and he ground himself against my cock some more in retaliation. “None of that,sweetheart, not unless you want me to fuck you right here, in this truck.”

We hadn’t much talked about having penetrative sex—at least not in a concrete way. We only spoke of it in dirty talk like this, because it made Scott squirm and it was yet another thing I loved about ‘dominating’ him.

“Continue,” Scott said pointedly and I bit his ear.

“I like having control over you. Taking charge of the situation. I like to see you embarrassed about what you want—and even more when you let go and just enjoy it.”

That made Scott tense up momentarily.

“Is it…Do you think it’s wrong that I like it? Being embarrassed?”

“Of course not.” This felt like an important conversation, one that had weight, especially for Scott, so I turned him around by his hips, making him face me. “There’s nothing wrong about having a light humiliation kink. Embarrassment is hot—and I also get off on it, as I just said.”


Look at me, I wanted to say, since he was staring at the juncture between my neck and collarbones. “There’s also nothing wrong about being a little kinky and submissive. Even if people don’t expect you to be.”

Scott’s eyes shot up to mine, but he didn’t say anything.

“What doyoulike about submitting?”

I wanted him to talk about it. To get comfortable with it. Scott tugged at every caring instinct inside me, and for once I was going with the flow instead of trying to stop it.

“I likenothaving control,” he said after a beat. Scott reached for my hips, playing with my t-shirt as he continued. “I like not having to think. I like when you overwhelm me and make me enjoy all of the things I want and feel guilty about. And I like—” Scott paused. “I like when you’re a little rough and use me.”

I didn’t really use him. He just liked feeling like I did.

The redness in his cheeks made me want to do very, very bad things to him right now.

“You like it when I initiate.” I ground my cock against his teasingly.