Indeed we had.

We’d both gone to butter some cupcakes with the other volunteers. Most of them I didn’t even know, since we worked on different sides of campus and followed different schedules.

I’d gotten there first after my training, so I was already sitting down at a table by the time Scott came in. The sight of his blond hair and lean frame made my blood come alive, but nothing like the jolt I felt when his eyes met mine.

He’d been looking for me.

With a raised eyebrow, I dared him silently to come over, and he didn’t hesitate. Not a bit. People all around parted like the sea, saying hi to him and trying to spark conversation, but he left them in favor of coming closer.

A savage feeling of possession took hold of me right then, the knowledge that the charming Prince everyone adored was coming tomeand not to anyone else making my blood thrum.

This had been happening a lot to me lately. Dominating Scott was an exhilarating experience. Touching him, seeing him come apart for me, how much he desperatelywanted me. It made me want to growl and suck hickeys on his neck like some sort of madman.

The faces of the other volunteers were priceless as they saw where Scott was going, and it only made my feeling of evil satisfaction grow.

“Saved me a seat?” Scott asked, like the sassy dick he was starting to be. His blond locks were slightly wet, probably from the shower, and there was a slight redness on his cheeks that made me think of the way he looked when he was about to come—eyes hooded, lips parted, lost in desire.

The two seats beside me and in front of me had been left empty up to this point, an invisible red line warning people off the scary animal.

Scott, however, hadn’t hesitated to just plop himself beside me.

“Sure, if that’s what you want to call it,” I said even as a smile threatened to stretch my lips.

Taking a cupcake and some butter, he said, “I feel like I’m walking right into the shark’s jaws.”

“Pretty sure you’d be swimming, my Prince.”

I didn’t miss the way he pressed his lips together, obviously trying to hold in a smile.

It was a new development. With how much we’d been exploring each other’s bodies, a new sense of intimacy had started to build. The jabs we threw at each other weren’t meant to sting anymore, they only became part of the secret games we played.

Our peace didn’t last long, though, because people quickly got closer and started talking to us. They had been looking at me a bit warily, but when they saw how easily Scott talked to me, they went from shock to boldness. I kept my conversation short, since I wasn’t really one for small talk, but Scott’s leg was warm against mine the whole night, an illicit contact that had mysteriously warmed my chest—a feeling that followed me the whole night.

Back in the present moment, I told my sister, “We’re not about to kill each other anymore.”

Layla’s dark eyebrows raised. “I thought you said you weren’t really rivals or enemies?”

“We weren’t. We just had a rough start.”

A rough start that had ended on a blowjob in a dark closet at Masy’s.

But she didn’t need to know that.

“So, are you friends?”

She wasn’t getting the hint, was she?

Or maybe shewas.

“What is this about, Layla?”

She shrugged, twirling a hair strand between her fingers. “Oh, I don’t know. I may have…heard something the other day when I wanted to check in on you after your shift had ended.”

My stomach fell.

“It’s not what you think.”

“You don’t have a secret relationship, you mean?” Layla asked, giving me a disbelieving look.