“Text Mark you’re not going back in there.”
Scott’s eyes flashed to mine, as if he wanted to fight me momentarily, before deflating. “Fine. Wait—My jacket is still there.”
“I’ll tell Andy to get it.”
“Won’t he think that’s weird?”
“He will, but he won’t ask if I don’t want to tell.”
Scott obediently messaged Mark he was leaving, and pleasure bloomed in my chest.
“I’ll give you a ride to your dorm.” I’d come get Andy after.
Blond eyebrows furrowed. “Won’t people see us?”
“Scott,” I put my hand on his nape, grabbing lightly onto his blond hair. It had been too much to resist not touching him again. “It’s fuck-o’clock at night. People won’t look at whatever car comes to drop you off.”
He stared at me, eyes drifting to my lips momentarily before nodding. “Fine.”
We were finally starting to go somewhere.
I had a strong feeling that whatever we’d uncovered tonight, it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Chapter 10
Travis stopped his car in front of my dorm and turned to me. The events of tonight had shaken me to the core, but if I knew one thing for sure, it was that there was no stopping this. The strength with which I wanted Travis was nothing like I’d ever experienced before, and having to be in each other’s lives regularly, at least until the cupcake selling came to an end, would make it impossible for us to just take the easy route and avoid each other.
Travis must have thought the same, because he said, “If we’re going to do this, there need to be some rules.”
I almost wanted to roll my eyes at how cliché it sounded. “Fine.”
He raised an eyebrow at me at my tone but ignored it. “One: I’m not your boyfriend. I don’t do relationships, and you shouldn’t expect boyfriend treatment from me. You’re not going to introduce me to your parents, and you won’t get flowers from me on Valentine’s Day.”
It was an effort not to laugh at the second part—even if the first one made my stomach tingle.
“Two: we’re doing this until the ‘Cupcakes for Charity’ thing ends and no more.”
Travis waited for me to acknowledge it and I gave him a nod.
“And three: you’re mine for as long as we’re doing this. No one else gets to fuck you. No dating.Nothing.”
Why did the word ‘mine’have to do things to my insides?
Why did a part of me already feel his?
“Does that mean thatyoucan?” I asked, trying not to bristle.
“No. It goes both ways. And it will stay that way as long as it works for the both of us. If it stops working for you, I want you to tell me. If you want toget a girlfriend,don’t hide it from me.”
It sounded very reasonable.
Almost too good to be true.
Of course, I accepted it.