He asked for his own order, which I prepared for him, sending him off with a little wink.
“What the fuck was that?” Scott asked after they were gone.
I raised an eyebrow at him, but I had a feeling I knew what this was about.
“Were youflirtingwith my friends?”
Something in my chest fluttered with unexpected delight.
Was he jealous?
He totally was.
“I like poking at people, making them nervous,” I said lightly, walking behind him to wash my hands off some frosting. “No need to get jealous, my Prince.”
“Scott? Is that you?” a voice came from outside, making me tense up and strangle the rag I was drying my hands with.
Mark Jacobson.
“Mark, hi. It’s been a while. Everything good?” Scott sent him one of his good-boy pearly white smiles that made people flush and giggle.
“All good,” Mark said, grinning himself, only his smile lacked the goodness that I knew Scott’s had. I didn’t know if it was just me that could see it—it must be, because people fell for his good guy act. “Cupcake man, huh? I must say, I wasn’t expecting this, but I’m not mad about it.”
I walked back to my spot beside Scott, purposefully brushing my arm against his back, and then stared down at the piece of shit in front of me.
We didn’t say anything to each other.
He looked back at Scott, smile still on. “Give me two of these? I’ll give one to my sister.”
“How is Monica?” Scott asked as he took the cupcakes Mark had pointed to.
“Good, good.”
They made some small talk I was only half-listening to. I didn’t know how I’d missed it, but ofcourseMark’s sister had to be one of the Prince’s exes.
The Jacobsons were the Mayor’s children. Scott dating the Mayor’s daughter must have made a pretty wholesome image, but clearly, it was a thing of the past.
I didn’t take my eyes away from Mark.
When you had a snake in front of you, the worst thing you could do was to take your eyes off of it.
There was a sharpness in Mark’s stare as he met mine, a hint of challenge that I knew too well, and having it directed at Scott made me want to strangle him.
“Listen, Scott,” Mark started while still looking at me. Scott was turned away, getting some change for him. “We should hang out sometime. Catch up.”
My hands balled to fists behind the counter.
There was a slight hesitation on Scott’s part, but he recovered quickly. “Sure.”
“Still have my number?”
“Yeah. Here,” Scott handed him the change.
“See you around then,” Mark told him with a wave.