A sinister feeling settled in me as I watched his pale face slowly acquire a beautiful crimson hue as blood ran to his head.

“I think we got off the wrong foot,” I said, settling on a chair in front of him. “I’m Mikhail Ivanov, how about you?”

He attempted to spit on me again, but his current position was not complying, and he ended up with his sputum on his forehead.

“You’re quite a snake, aren’t you?” I said, observing as the red on his face darkened with anger. “Since I was raised a gentleman, I’ll go over introductions one last time.”

“I know who you are, bastard,” he cursed.

“Of course you do. It would be very weird for you to attack the business of someone you know nothing about, wouldn’t it?”

“Just chop him into bits already,” Benjamin sneered, disgust etched on his face as he watched our prisoner.

“Don’t be rude to our guest, Benjamin. We’re not cavemen.”

Unlike him, I wasn’t a brute, and I preferred to play with my food and draw out as much as I could before delivering the last blow. I found a certain feeling of ecstasy in breaking the toughest of characters.

“I don’t like to be kept waiting???????.” I returned my attention to him. I liked to treat his type like I was performing an exorcism. I force their names from them before anything else.

“You bastards don’t even know the people you’ve destroyed. You just go about life with no clue how many lives you’ve stolen,” he yelled, and his face adopted a deeper shade of red.

“So, this is a crime of passion, and here I was thinking you had a higher purpose or sought something more important, like power,” I asked.

“Your grandfather destroyed my family,” he spat, his voice dripping with hate.

“And the sins of the father rests on the son,” I replied, suddenly growing bored of our little tèt-a-tèt.

I don’t know what I was expecting from the person who tried to burn down my business, but a whiny little bitch was not one. So much for being tough. I rose up to my feet, walking around him in close circles.

“You could’ve gone off quietly and taken care of your family, but you decided to show your face to me. I guess you love a good sequel then,” I said, slashing through his Achilles. His cry of agony echoed through the room, reminding me why I chose to torture people in this room. The reverberating echoes from their screams sounded so much like the most chaotic classical music, and it had the same effect on me as astimulant.

“I’m like a fucking hydra,” he screamed. “If you cut me off, my brothers will rise in my name.”

“Then, I’d be more than happy to cut them, too,” I replied, slashing off his second tendon.

I let out a curse as some of his blood sprouted from the cut, soaking my white shirt. “I see your blood moves the same your saliva does.”

I pulled out a handkerchief and wiped some of it off my neck.

Knowing he was some vengeful rat from a dingy apartment the sun never got into and probably spent his whole life hunched over a computer planning the ultimate takedown of the Ivanov family brought me a form of relief.

While crimes of passion were the most dangerous and tended to span through generations, they were also the messiest and ill-planned.

“Now, I know why you looked so familiar. Are you Adam’s brother?” I queried, peering at him.

He didn’t answer, but the burning look of hate in his eyes was enough.

“I thought I ordered every member of that colony to be wiped off the surface of the earth?” I turned to Enzo, who gave me a blank stare.

“I’ll take care of it,” Benjamin said. He never missed out on the opportunity to unleash mayhem.

“You’ll never get rid of us all—”

“Oh, shut up.” Enzo groaned, kicking his head.

A look of pity stretched across my face as I watched him splutter and fight for air. When I arrived here, I expected a worthy opponent. Finding the brother of the man I killed months ago was a slight rain on my parade, and my blood lust suddenly went cold.

“Here.” I handed the knife over to Benjamin. “Take care of him, and I don’t want any more of his hydra heads rising and causing more trouble.