“You feel fucking amazing when you come,” he told her, finally looking up.
“So do you,” she replied, unhooking her knees from his shoulders and massaging the feeling back into them. He helped her to stand, kissing her slowly, his hands running through her hair.
“Tell me I can see you when you finish work.”
Her brows rose. “I won’t be done until three AM.”
Kissing her again, he asked, “So? I’m going to get as much as I can before I have to drive back.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “We said no sleepovers.”
“I know. And I promise I won’t break the rules. I just want to be here when you get home tonight... tomorrow morning... whatever. Will you let me do that?”
She glanced around her apartment, wondering what in the hell he was doing.
“Please? Just this once.”
She bit her lip, nodding her head. “Okay. But what will you do?”
Shrugging, he said, “I’ll take in the sights of Hollywood.”
* * *
Evangeline was late.Like hours late. Beau had given her one more mind-blowing orgasm in the shower before letting her get dressed and leave for work. She took a deep breath in, feeling like the night was going to be a good one.
“Hey, boss,” Max said, rounding the corner from the office. “How’s it going? Did you enjoy your time off?”
“Yeah, it was fine,” she lied. It had been more than fine. “How was it here?”
“All under control—nothing to report, except…”
“Except?” She placed her keys and phone on the bar and leaned against it.
“Except... I have some news.”
“Oh?” she replied, unable to keep the grin from her face. She had a feeling she already knew what he was going to say.
“I asked her. I asked Gigi to marry me.”
A smile stretched across his mouth, his whole face alight. “She said yes.”
Throwing her arms around him, she hugged him tightly for a moment, then let him go, stepping back and clearing her throat. “That’s amazing! Congratulations. I thought you were going to wait though.”
“I was—I had it all planned out, but last night, we’d put Erin to bed early and we were just sitting together on the couch and I was like... this is it. This is the life I want.” She nodded to show she was following. “I excused myself to get the ring, then came back and got down on one knee. She was so surprised.”
Reaching out, she squeezed his arm to try and show how happy she was for him. “That’s so great, Max. You, Gigi, and Erin are going to have a long and happy life together.”
“It won’t be just us.”
“Gigi surprised me with some news last night too. She’s pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.”
Evangeline squealed—actuallysquealedlike a little girl—throwing her arms around Max and hugging him properly this time. She’d obviously surprised him too because his body was tense for a moment before he relaxed into the hug.
“I’m so, so happy for you and Gigi, Max. Really I am.”